
Good Vibrations by S.L. Scott

caseroo7's review

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Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

I really liked this story! I wasn't quite sure what to expect at first glance, because the blurb really doesn't give away much. I am really glad that I took the chance on this one though. Mallory and Evan's story is a great beach read and for me this is one of the best summer reads I have read in awhile. This one kept me turning the pages and before I knew it, the book was over and I was wanting more!

The book starts off with Mallory landing in Hawaii where she will be spending her summer with her best friend Sunny. Needing a break from life in Colorado, Mallory decides that summer break in Hawaii is just what she needs to get away. As soon as she lands at the airport she meets Evan, and they get off to a pretty rough start. Despite how things begin, both of them are very attracted to each other and Mallory ends up accepting a ride from him after Sunny tells her that she cannot make it. Mallory and Evan end up spending the night together. Evan makes it clear that he doesn't do relationships, and this will be all that can happen between them. So after they part the next morning, Mallory thinks that she wont be seeing him again. But life has other plans and she ends up running into him at her new job. As Mallory and Evan spend more time together and get to know each other, they both begin to develop feelings for each other beyond just chemistry. With Mallory only there for a few months though, can they really have any kind of future together?

I liked Evan. Despite him handling things badly with Mallory on more than one occasion, you could see that he really was struggling with his feelings for her and he was trying. I loved that Evan was caring and honest with Mallory about what their relationship could and couldn't be. I also really enjoyed them together. These two were great for each other and Evan really seemed to care about Mallory. Mallory was fun and honest. I really liked that she would tell Evan exactly what she was thinking and feeling. She was definitely not afraid to put him in his place and tell him what she needed and expected from him. Mallory and Evan were definitely a good balance for each other and I really enjoyed watching their relationship progress. They were also extremely hot together and really generated some steam!

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. At the end, I was left wanting more and unsure how they could proceed in their relationship. I am anxious to read more of their story and see where S. L. Scott takes them. I also really enjoyed the secondary characters in this story, and I am just as curious to see what happens with them also! I would definitely recommend this story to anyone who likes New Adult books that are filled with excellent and well written characters and enjoy sexy scenes. This book is the perfect vacation book, or the perfect way to lose yourself in a story even if you are stuck at home! I cannot wait to read the next book, Good Intentions and see what the author has in store for all these wonderful characters!

rmoon28's review

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Good Vibrations is a fun summer read. We start off with Mallory going to Hawaii to visit her best friend Sunny. As soon as she lands in Hawaii, she sees this hot guy, Evan. He hits on Mallory and gives her car ride since Sunny isn’t able to make it to pick her up.
When Mallory first meets Evan, she is smitten with him. They have an instant attraction to each other. Evan is a bad boy, player and has one week girlfriends while they are on vacation. When Evan meets Mallory, it knocks him out of his element. He can’t stop thinking about her; he is a little bit obsessed. Mallory sees through Evan’s bull****. She sees who he really is deep down when he is not hiding behind arrogance and selfishness. Evan also sees through Mallory’s façade as well.

This story was entertaining. There were some funny parts in the book. In the first 7%, I found myself laughing out loud. Close to the end of the book, a part of the book with Kate, Murphy, Evan and Mallory, I found myself dying of laughter. I could not stop laughing for 5 minutes straight. It was great. I really liked how the author was able to add some comedy to this story.

When Evan and Mallory finally connect, they are very cute together and sweet. Evan is such a different person when he cares about someone. He puts Mallory’s needs first, and then takes care of himself. The whole book kind of reminds me of Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire. I saw a lot of similarities between Evan and Travis and Mallory and Abby. With Evan and Travis, they were possessive and protective over their women; with Mallory and Abby they would forgive almost anything the men did because they had such strong feelings for them. I think this was one of the reasons why I liked this story.

Good Vibrations is a great read while you are at the beach and have a few hours to spare. We still have to find out a lot of information about Evan and his family. I feel like we just hit the surface. There is something major going on with Evan. He has secrets that we still need to know. Adding this kind of character development to Evan would enhance the book and make it great. I am hoping everything will be explained in the second book. I am looking forward to it to seeing all the drama that unfolds. From the sneak peek at the end of the book, it will definitely be entertaining.

duartepatri's review

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3 1/2 stars
Why? because it took them a few pages to get involved, even under a very inappropriate situation but then it took them 100 stupid arguments and misunderstandings to finally give in and fall in love. Also because the whole "episode" on Evan's life which remains a mystery and affects him dearly.
Evan's mum is bad news and I can see loads of trouble caused by her on the upcoming books.
Was it entertaining? yes, I read it in a couple of days so was ok.
Grammatically imperfect.

xvicesx's review

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Can't say I loved this one. It was alright, though I found myself skipping through parts after I hit the 70% mark. Not necessarily the book's fault, perhaps I wasn't quite in the mood for the kind of story this was meant to be.

It just felt as though the amorous relationship was much too rushed. I wasn't convinced that they had grown attached to each other so quickly. And for allegedly intelligent people, I was quite disappointed with the lead characters. No forward-thinking, nothing entirely out of the ordinary. If anything, I thought some of the situations they landed themselves in were silly beyond reproach.

Overall, it ends as a happy for now ending, with the promise of a big relationship threat in the next book, but I don't think I'd like to pursue it further. Not at present, anyway.

mlboyd20's review

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3.5 stars so upped to 4

Summer is upon us, at least for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, and the perfect time for Good Vibrations which takes place on the sunny islands of Hawaii. We all know that with summer, it seems that it’s only natural for the single to be looking for some fun.

The two main characters, Mallory and Evan, meet up pretty quick in the book and that’s not the only thing that seems to get going quickly. A bit too quickly for my tastes, but hey, can’t say I would have passed up on something as hot as Evan at that age. She’s recently come out of a relationship and he swears to be a no relationship kind of guy. I think you all can figure out where this is going.

Feeling a bit 90210, the newer Dallas, and a few other older teen, young adult TV shows, the story actually did grip me. The sex was hot, but it seemed that the author was still holding back. I did like the fact that the author made sure of noting that the characters did practice safe sex and it was written in a way that didn’t distract you from what was playing out but kept you riveted to the good stuff.

There’s a lot in this book that grazes through the typical YA/NA summer contemporary romance novel. Not too many surprises and not too many answers. But it does offer you well done characters and not just the main ones. What makes a difference with this one is that you really want to see where it goes. You’re not just in it for the “hot” scenes, those are bonuses, but you are in it to see where the relationship is going to go and who’s going to screw things up next.

After having received this as an ARC for a blog review, I applaud the author for going that extra mile and making her characters real, fun and with feelings. I recommend this to any reader, 17+, who likes a good contemporary novel and doesn’t mind some fun, other than the kind in the sun with a fair share of conflict.

dubvanna's review

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This book just made me HAPPY!! Loved it so much!
If you're looking for a great summertime read, this is it!!
-Full review to come :)

thathannah's review

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Title: Good Vibrations
Author: S.L. Scott
Series: Yes
Cliffhanger: No
Release Date: May 8, 2013
Rating: 1

This will be a hard book to review because of how much I didn't like it. The two main characters are Evan and Mallory. Evan lives in Hawaii and Mallory is spending the summer in Hawaii with her friend. They meet each other when Mallory is in the airport arriving in Hawaii. Their meeting consists of him making out with his current vacation fling while flirting with Mallory of the girl’s shoulder. Then outside while Mallory is waiting for her friend to pick her up Evan flirts with her some more and she tells him she is not the type of girl to fall for his manwhore ways. Then when her friend can't pick her up she gets a ride with Evan and ends up at his place and has sex with him. So much for not falling for his manwhore ways. They knew each other not even a full day and they had sex. And it was obvious that it was going to be an insta love situation.

What followed was a lot of annoying characters, too much back and forth between Evan and Mallory, and a lot of kill me now when is this book going to be over and why are there more. It’s safe to say that I did not like this book. I don't understand why it has a lot of five star ratings. I guess it is a love or hate it kind of book. I got the box set either free or really discounted on my kindle and I don't think I can ever read ruther in the series.

I could go into more detail of all the things I didn't like but this book is not worth the energy. And I don't want to waste any more time on this book.

Here are some quotes that I think show some of what I didn't like about this book:

A lot of the book felt like this with tangents that didn't matter and took you out of the book.
My mind flashes back to the present as Evan’s mouth covers my neck with passionate kisses and his hand finds its way into my undies—technically, his undies, but I’m wearing them and staking claim because possession is nine-tenths of the law. Nine-tenths? Who cares about that right now? I berate myself because Evan is in my underpants, and I’m not paying attention.

How dare he act like the guys he always said he was.
My heart drops to my feet. How can he drive me to Sunny’s after the time we shared last night? Oh God! I think I started falling for him and he was being truthful. My eyes well with tears as regret colors my vision of last night, of Evan, and the memory of beautiful Mallory in the mirror. I fell for it. I fell for him. I let my carefully, crafted guard down and fell like every other girl who’s walked through that door.

I think this is one of the times Evan was sitting outside of her apartment pretty much stalking her.
Leaning my head back, I slump down in my seat, and close my eyes. Images of her fill my thoughts—images of being on that couch with her, and holding her. I was once in heaven. Now I’m in hell. I don’t know where I went wrong, but an unfamiliar feeling has hijacked my normally careless thoughts. I’m thinking its regret. Getting out of my car, I stumble forward, escaping that emotion. I pull out a cigarette and light up, inhaling the calming addiction deep into my lungs. I decided a long time ago that if I was going to smoke, I was gonna do it fully. No light cigarettes for me. Only full on tar, nicotine, tobacco, and whatever other shit they put in these to make them taste and feel so fucking fantastic. I smoke the entire cigarette then toss the butt into the air, deciding I’m not going to do this anymore, but not quite ready to leave.

How dare he be considerate and not able to read her mind. Seriously grow up Mallory. Plus she barely knows him and they just create all this drama.
My hope deflates reading the unfeeling words written before me. He apologizes for sneaking out which I guess is a start, but why’d he have to go so early? And when did he become my parent determining how much rest I need. I would have rather lose a few winks and told him goodbye. I would have rather kissed him goodbye. I close my eyes sinking lower into the couch and tucking the note under my leg. I would have preferred that he stayed with me and we started the day together.

Here is another example of how stupid Mallory was. There is a lot of back and forth, on and off, between Evan and Mallory. It got old fast. If he keeps hurting her then maybe that's a sign to not be with him. Plus being a girl isn't the reason for being emotional. the word choices are not good in my opinion.
“I didn’t kick you out forever,” I say, sitting up while standing my ground. Tears well in my eyes and I say more than I should. “You hurt me. How many times am I supposed to let you come into my life and do that? I’m a girl and emotional. I need you to be there when I wake up so I don’t feel used.” I turn away to look out the window.

He even admits to being a stalker. BIG red flag.
“You stalk me?” Stalk? Stalking… I wouldn’t consider what I do stalking. “No, I’m more like a peeping Tom—” “Peeping Tom is better than saying stalking?” “Not better, just more accurate,” I correct her. “Like I said, it’s usually just a drive by. We’ve all done that shit before.” I scrub my face with my hands, knowing how deranged this all sounds when I say it out loud.

Just no. You can be strong and a kick ass woman who is ok with her sex life but this is just annoying.
He leans over and kisses me, making me want more of this man than I should. He brings out a slutty side of me and I’m really starting to like the benefits of that side. The slut is powerful and confident. She knows what she likes and isn’t afraid to ask, or wiggle into position to give a strong hint, for what she wants. I’m Evan Ashford’s slut!

missylynne's review

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Curious as to what happens next.

Seriously, fiction or not why would you get in a car with a stranger, go to his house and then have sex with him?

I don't trust Evan's mother one bit.

What is Evan not telling Mallory? Did he have a relationship where he loved the girl but something went wrong? And now he can't tell someone he loves them?

isalaur's review against another edition

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Enjoyed this book though the on and off thing got a little old. Just as thing seem cemented the book ends and I discover that this story continues in book 2. I hate that. I didn’t see it mentioned when I first got the book so if it was then my fault but now I’ve got to get another book to find out how the story progresses. I probably will do that as the main characters, as well as the secondary characters are appealing. But I’d rather just have one longer book than these separate books.