A review by caseroo7
Good Vibrations by S.L. Scott


Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

I really liked this story! I wasn't quite sure what to expect at first glance, because the blurb really doesn't give away much. I am really glad that I took the chance on this one though. Mallory and Evan's story is a great beach read and for me this is one of the best summer reads I have read in awhile. This one kept me turning the pages and before I knew it, the book was over and I was wanting more!

The book starts off with Mallory landing in Hawaii where she will be spending her summer with her best friend Sunny. Needing a break from life in Colorado, Mallory decides that summer break in Hawaii is just what she needs to get away. As soon as she lands at the airport she meets Evan, and they get off to a pretty rough start. Despite how things begin, both of them are very attracted to each other and Mallory ends up accepting a ride from him after Sunny tells her that she cannot make it. Mallory and Evan end up spending the night together. Evan makes it clear that he doesn't do relationships, and this will be all that can happen between them. So after they part the next morning, Mallory thinks that she wont be seeing him again. But life has other plans and she ends up running into him at her new job. As Mallory and Evan spend more time together and get to know each other, they both begin to develop feelings for each other beyond just chemistry. With Mallory only there for a few months though, can they really have any kind of future together?

I liked Evan. Despite him handling things badly with Mallory on more than one occasion, you could see that he really was struggling with his feelings for her and he was trying. I loved that Evan was caring and honest with Mallory about what their relationship could and couldn't be. I also really enjoyed them together. These two were great for each other and Evan really seemed to care about Mallory. Mallory was fun and honest. I really liked that she would tell Evan exactly what she was thinking and feeling. She was definitely not afraid to put him in his place and tell him what she needed and expected from him. Mallory and Evan were definitely a good balance for each other and I really enjoyed watching their relationship progress. They were also extremely hot together and really generated some steam!

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. At the end, I was left wanting more and unsure how they could proceed in their relationship. I am anxious to read more of their story and see where S. L. Scott takes them. I also really enjoyed the secondary characters in this story, and I am just as curious to see what happens with them also! I would definitely recommend this story to anyone who likes New Adult books that are filled with excellent and well written characters and enjoy sexy scenes. This book is the perfect vacation book, or the perfect way to lose yourself in a story even if you are stuck at home! I cannot wait to read the next book, Good Intentions and see what the author has in store for all these wonderful characters!