A review by rmoon28
Good Vibrations by S.L. Scott


Good Vibrations is a fun summer read. We start off with Mallory going to Hawaii to visit her best friend Sunny. As soon as she lands in Hawaii, she sees this hot guy, Evan. He hits on Mallory and gives her car ride since Sunny isn’t able to make it to pick her up.
When Mallory first meets Evan, she is smitten with him. They have an instant attraction to each other. Evan is a bad boy, player and has one week girlfriends while they are on vacation. When Evan meets Mallory, it knocks him out of his element. He can’t stop thinking about her; he is a little bit obsessed. Mallory sees through Evan’s bull****. She sees who he really is deep down when he is not hiding behind arrogance and selfishness. Evan also sees through Mallory’s façade as well.

This story was entertaining. There were some funny parts in the book. In the first 7%, I found myself laughing out loud. Close to the end of the book, a part of the book with Kate, Murphy, Evan and Mallory, I found myself dying of laughter. I could not stop laughing for 5 minutes straight. It was great. I really liked how the author was able to add some comedy to this story.

When Evan and Mallory finally connect, they are very cute together and sweet. Evan is such a different person when he cares about someone. He puts Mallory’s needs first, and then takes care of himself. The whole book kind of reminds me of Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire. I saw a lot of similarities between Evan and Travis and Mallory and Abby. With Evan and Travis, they were possessive and protective over their women; with Mallory and Abby they would forgive almost anything the men did because they had such strong feelings for them. I think this was one of the reasons why I liked this story.

Good Vibrations is a great read while you are at the beach and have a few hours to spare. We still have to find out a lot of information about Evan and his family. I feel like we just hit the surface. There is something major going on with Evan. He has secrets that we still need to know. Adding this kind of character development to Evan would enhance the book and make it great. I am hoping everything will be explained in the second book. I am looking forward to it to seeing all the drama that unfolds. From the sneak peek at the end of the book, it will definitely be entertaining.