A review by thathannah
Good Vibrations by S.L. Scott


Title: Good Vibrations
Author: S.L. Scott
Series: Yes
Cliffhanger: No
Release Date: May 8, 2013
Rating: 1

This will be a hard book to review because of how much I didn't like it. The two main characters are Evan and Mallory. Evan lives in Hawaii and Mallory is spending the summer in Hawaii with her friend. They meet each other when Mallory is in the airport arriving in Hawaii. Their meeting consists of him making out with his current vacation fling while flirting with Mallory of the girl’s shoulder. Then outside while Mallory is waiting for her friend to pick her up Evan flirts with her some more and she tells him she is not the type of girl to fall for his manwhore ways. Then when her friend can't pick her up she gets a ride with Evan and ends up at his place and has sex with him. So much for not falling for his manwhore ways. They knew each other not even a full day and they had sex. And it was obvious that it was going to be an insta love situation.

What followed was a lot of annoying characters, too much back and forth between Evan and Mallory, and a lot of kill me now when is this book going to be over and why are there more. It’s safe to say that I did not like this book. I don't understand why it has a lot of five star ratings. I guess it is a love or hate it kind of book. I got the box set either free or really discounted on my kindle and I don't think I can ever read ruther in the series.

I could go into more detail of all the things I didn't like but this book is not worth the energy. And I don't want to waste any more time on this book.

Here are some quotes that I think show some of what I didn't like about this book:

A lot of the book felt like this with tangents that didn't matter and took you out of the book.
My mind flashes back to the present as Evan’s mouth covers my neck with passionate kisses and his hand finds its way into my undies—technically, his undies, but I’m wearing them and staking claim because possession is nine-tenths of the law. Nine-tenths? Who cares about that right now? I berate myself because Evan is in my underpants, and I’m not paying attention.

How dare he act like the guys he always said he was.
My heart drops to my feet. How can he drive me to Sunny’s after the time we shared last night? Oh God! I think I started falling for him and he was being truthful. My eyes well with tears as regret colors my vision of last night, of Evan, and the memory of beautiful Mallory in the mirror. I fell for it. I fell for him. I let my carefully, crafted guard down and fell like every other girl who’s walked through that door.

I think this is one of the times Evan was sitting outside of her apartment pretty much stalking her.
Leaning my head back, I slump down in my seat, and close my eyes. Images of her fill my thoughts—images of being on that couch with her, and holding her. I was once in heaven. Now I’m in hell. I don’t know where I went wrong, but an unfamiliar feeling has hijacked my normally careless thoughts. I’m thinking its regret. Getting out of my car, I stumble forward, escaping that emotion. I pull out a cigarette and light up, inhaling the calming addiction deep into my lungs. I decided a long time ago that if I was going to smoke, I was gonna do it fully. No light cigarettes for me. Only full on tar, nicotine, tobacco, and whatever other shit they put in these to make them taste and feel so fucking fantastic. I smoke the entire cigarette then toss the butt into the air, deciding I’m not going to do this anymore, but not quite ready to leave.

How dare he be considerate and not able to read her mind. Seriously grow up Mallory. Plus she barely knows him and they just create all this drama.
My hope deflates reading the unfeeling words written before me. He apologizes for sneaking out which I guess is a start, but why’d he have to go so early? And when did he become my parent determining how much rest I need. I would have rather lose a few winks and told him goodbye. I would have rather kissed him goodbye. I close my eyes sinking lower into the couch and tucking the note under my leg. I would have preferred that he stayed with me and we started the day together.

Here is another example of how stupid Mallory was. There is a lot of back and forth, on and off, between Evan and Mallory. It got old fast. If he keeps hurting her then maybe that's a sign to not be with him. Plus being a girl isn't the reason for being emotional. the word choices are not good in my opinion.
“I didn’t kick you out forever,” I say, sitting up while standing my ground. Tears well in my eyes and I say more than I should. “You hurt me. How many times am I supposed to let you come into my life and do that? I’m a girl and emotional. I need you to be there when I wake up so I don’t feel used.” I turn away to look out the window.

He even admits to being a stalker. BIG red flag.
“You stalk me?” Stalk? Stalking… I wouldn’t consider what I do stalking. “No, I’m more like a peeping Tom—” “Peeping Tom is better than saying stalking?” “Not better, just more accurate,” I correct her. “Like I said, it’s usually just a drive by. We’ve all done that shit before.” I scrub my face with my hands, knowing how deranged this all sounds when I say it out loud.

Just no. You can be strong and a kick ass woman who is ok with her sex life but this is just annoying.
He leans over and kisses me, making me want more of this man than I should. He brings out a slutty side of me and I’m really starting to like the benefits of that side. The slut is powerful and confident. She knows what she likes and isn’t afraid to ask, or wiggle into position to give a strong hint, for what she wants. I’m Evan Ashford’s slut!