
Slave by Cheryl Brooks

chrystalo's review against another edition

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This book was not good. It was also not the worst book that I've ever read, but it certainly was not particularly well-writen, which may have made it slightly more palatable to me. It is a story like this that has potential, but becomes mired in colloquialisms and terrible jokes and horribly underdeveloped characters. This is the kind of romance novel that gives romance novels a bad name. Do not recommend. Not only is the main female character fickle and generally unlikeable, the events that seems to happen are so disjointed and unconvincing that it rarely made much sense. However, I applaud the authors ability to keep the world they created relatively mundane, considering the plot is set among many different planets with diverse creatures and varying customs. I definitely will not be reading the rest of this series - I don't want to hurt myself, considering how hard I was rolling my eyes while reading the first installment.

birdloveranne's review against another edition

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I've read that a lot of people didn't like this book. I did! I look forward to reading the rest of the series!

tani's review against another edition

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So. This is exactly what it looks like. And yup, it's pretty bad. The narrative voice starts out OK, but grates immensely by the end of the book. The romance feels contrived. The sex is kind of weird. The setting is OK, but kind of endorses slavery in a weird way? Um, in general, it's a book I can't recommend and am kind of ashamed to admit to reading. I won't say it is the worst thing I've ever read, but I won't be continuing with the series or author.

mawmom's review against another edition

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How can you not love a book about men so fantastic and amazing in bed that someone blows up their planet and then tries to exterminate the rest?
Jacinth will find her sister no matter what it takes, even if that means posing as a slave. She must find someone to be her "master" so she can continue her search. When she in desperation buys Cat things are turned on their ear and Jacinth (Jake) is going to find out exactly how amazing Zenthian men are.

AWESOME book, Spectacular series!

ddavare's review against another edition

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lassarina's review against another edition

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I wanted to enjoy this book. It's full of things that ought to be my catnip - sci-fi erotica! Dangerous roleplay adventures to rescue one's sister! And yet by 10% I was reading about one sentence per paragraph, and at 20% I realized I wasn't missing anything in doing so, so I walked away. There is So. Damn. Much. Telling. Infodump worldbuilding everywhere! The heroine can't decide what she's doing or thinking! She can't be bothered to call the hero by his actual name! She's apparently a complete idiot despite supposedly being a super successful trader! But seriously, if I can read a sentence per paragraph and not be missing anything important, the book is yammering too much, and I'm so done.

chelsea_jack's review against another edition

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Oh dear.

Years ago I read one or two books that are later in the series and I had only the vaguest memory of them. Curious, I picked up the first on in the series, figuring I might as well start at the beginning.

Oh dear.

There's a lot here to like. The plot premise - woman is looking for her sister who was kidnapped and sold into slavery, space travel, she's looking to purchase a slave to pose as her master so she can touch down on a planet where women are slaves and she believes her sister is.... all good.

The man she buys, whom she calls Cat because he has feline qualities (mainly around the eyes, ears and teeth), also has an unusual cock that releases fluid that causes no-effort orgasms.

The hardest part for me wasn't even the cheesiness around the sex, but actually a scene in which
Spoilerthe heroine is modified(?) by an alien to improve the bond between her and Cat. I just found it so hard to read because it was done without consent and has an actual physical impact on her.

I also found the sudden shift to love very weird and unsupported by the text. It was just bizarre and uncomfortable.

I have to wonder if the two books I read from later in the series were better or if I was just engrossed in the combination of sex and science fiction?

goaskalix's review against another edition

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Why am I reading this? Why am I reading this? Why am I reading this? It's so bad. It's so bad. It's so bad.

Honestly, I don't know why I'm reading this. It's about two chapters away from being relegated to the did-not-finish pile, and for many, many reasons. The writing? Not awesome. Rambling, over-long sentences and paragraphs, awful use of trying-too-hard slang, and well, let's be honest, some really weird shit.

I went into this thinking it might be a nice follow-up to Laurann Dohner's New Species series (which while not stellar, was definitely entertaining and enjoyable). Alas, that was a bad decision on my part, and I'm finding Cat Star (thus far) seriously lacking because of that.

Will push on awhile longer, and see how it goes...

UPDATE: Could not do it. Terrible. Just terrible. In the unfinished pile and I'm kind of bummed that I'd already bought the second on as well. Boo urns.

perfectlymisaligned's review against another edition

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I have read some weird stuff in my time. But nothing...and i do mean NOTHING compares to Slave by Cheryl Brooks.

This first book in the Cat Star Chronicles, is a mixture of erotica and sci fi...two of my favorite genres. And while the mix SOUNDS good in theory, in this case it just did not work.

Basically the premise is this: Jacinth is an 'intergalactic trader' who buys a slave - who possesses more than a few feline qualities, and is nicknamed Cat - to help assist in her mission to free her kidnapped sister.

Much flirty banter and oogling of Cat's well endowed body ensue, and within about 2 days, the two characters have professed their undying love and mutual lust for each other. And this is when the real weirdness begins.

Jacinth discovers that Cat's....'male essence'... *cough* is a highly potent aphrodisiac and much discussion of bottling and selling the prized elixir begins. I will spare you the incredibly unappealing name that Cat has for it. Trust me, you don't need to know.

Everything about this book screams "" and not in a good way. The dialogue is cheesy and ridiculous, the characters are about as one dimensional as you can get. Even the sex scenes are poorly written.

And to think...this is only the first book in a series! *shudder*

catladylover94's review against another edition

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awesome start to a series