A review by goaskalix
Slave by Cheryl Brooks


Why am I reading this? Why am I reading this? Why am I reading this? It's so bad. It's so bad. It's so bad.

Honestly, I don't know why I'm reading this. It's about two chapters away from being relegated to the did-not-finish pile, and for many, many reasons. The writing? Not awesome. Rambling, over-long sentences and paragraphs, awful use of trying-too-hard slang, and well, let's be honest, some really weird shit.

I went into this thinking it might be a nice follow-up to Laurann Dohner's New Species series (which while not stellar, was definitely entertaining and enjoyable). Alas, that was a bad decision on my part, and I'm finding Cat Star (thus far) seriously lacking because of that.

Will push on awhile longer, and see how it goes...

UPDATE: Could not do it. Terrible. Just terrible. In the unfinished pile and I'm kind of bummed that I'd already bought the second on as well. Boo urns.