A review by chelsea_jack
Slave by Cheryl Brooks


Oh dear.

Years ago I read one or two books that are later in the series and I had only the vaguest memory of them. Curious, I picked up the first on in the series, figuring I might as well start at the beginning.

Oh dear.

There's a lot here to like. The plot premise - woman is looking for her sister who was kidnapped and sold into slavery, space travel, she's looking to purchase a slave to pose as her master so she can touch down on a planet where women are slaves and she believes her sister is.... all good.

The man she buys, whom she calls Cat because he has feline qualities (mainly around the eyes, ears and teeth), also has an unusual cock that releases fluid that causes no-effort orgasms.

The hardest part for me wasn't even the cheesiness around the sex, but actually a scene in which
Spoilerthe heroine is modified(?) by an alien to improve the bond between her and Cat. I just found it so hard to read because it was done without consent and has an actual physical impact on her.

I also found the sudden shift to love very weird and unsupported by the text. It was just bizarre and uncomfortable.

I have to wonder if the two books I read from later in the series were better or if I was just engrossed in the combination of sex and science fiction?