
Alien vs. Alien by Gini Koch

kathydavie's review

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Sixth in the Katherine "Kitty" Katt romantic science-fiction series starring Kitty Katt Martini and her troupe of hunky, gorgeous, delicious-looking aliens.

My Take
On the whole, while it was another fun read from Koch — I did enjoy Kitty's rapport with the Peregrines — can I get an amen! — I can do without Bellie and the too many paths with even more cartoonish effects. It simply left me very confused as to who is doing what and to whom when it comes to the intelligence being thrown about. Heck, with everything being thrown around. What was with those dino birds? It felt as if Koch tried to consider every possibility and couldn't consider leaving even one of 'em out. I'm not saying there wasn't a plot, it was just so buried…

Still, it's a friendly bunch of characters in this series, a cast to which Koch keeps adding more and more. Almost like the various twists and turns and all the action sequences in Alien Diplomacy, 5.

We had the older Martinis upset about Christopher and Amy's impromptu wedding as the "normal" scene to ground us in the story — just another case of a lack of communication and cultural differences, letting us know how human everyone is. But then we get the stupid HSAC test dropped on us. I can't believe everyone is buying into this. It's just lame. The situation isn't consistent with the characters, which just ticks me off. Then the Royal Peregrines getting dropped in and all their antics. Admittedly it is funny with Kitty's interactions with them, but oh brother.

I do love Kitty's categories for Jamie's squeals. It is so sweet how much time Kitty and Jeff are able to — and want to — spend with their daughter.

Hmmm, how very convenient of the Czech embassy building...

Oops, dissension in the ranks! That could turn out to be interesting — I'm wondering what will happen with the current embassy people in Alien in the House?

I don't care...I want the A-C elves to come visit me. A lot!

Ah well, later, Eddie...

The Story
Poor Jamie-Kat...she's teething and her agony is cutting away at her daddy's control, so Kitty and Jamie are at the Martini Manor in Florida where they're forced to endure a visit from Senator Armstrong and Guy Gadoire. One which raises some hefty blackmail issues.

Then there's the HSAC clearance testing. Kitty claims she's done a lot of testing like this in the past, and I'm sure the others have done testing like this as well, and nobody questions the type of questions being asked?? Nuh-uh.

It's all careful preparation...

The Characters
Kitty and Jeff Martini, the world's strongest telepath, are both ambassadors for the American Centaurion Diplomatic Corps. Jamie-Kat is their five-month-old baby girl with hybrid powers. Bellie is Jeff's new best friend and a real challenge for Kitty, a gift from Peter the Dingo Dog. Bellie likes Jeff, Chris, well, heck all the boys. She just doesn't like any of the girls. The Poofs have expanded their circle of love to include Jamie Kat: Poofikins is Kitty's and Harlie is Jeff's Poof (he's head Poof). And Jamie-Kat names her Poof, Mous-mous. Mom, Angela Katt, is head of the Presidential Terrorism Control Unit (PTCU) and the only non-Jew to ever be in Mossad.

Christopher White is Jeff's cousin and an Imageer married to Amy Gaultier White, one of Kitty's best friends from high school and a lawyer. (see Alien Proliferation, 4). Toby is his Poof; Mignon is Amy's. Through some, um, misadventures, Jeff has been enhanced too. Alfred and Lucia Martini are Jeff's parents. Clarence Valentino is Sylvia's husband (Jeff's oldest sister) and both are traitors (see Alien Proliferation).

Charles Reynolds has been Kitty's best friend since they were thirteen; now he's a self-made multi-millionaire, head of the CIA's Extra-Terrestrial Division, and always the smartest guy in the room---and Fluffy is his Poof. Esteban Cantu is also CIA, but a suspected rogue. Clifford Goodman is the new Head of Special Immigration Services and reports directly to the Secretary of Homeland Security.

Embassy inhabitants includes:
Len and Kyle are former college football players who are now CIA bodyguards for Kitty and Jamie (see Alien in the Family, 3 and Alien Diplomacy, 5). Malcolm Buchanan is a bodyguard assigned by Kitty's mother in Alien Diplomacy. Former Pontifex Richard White is Kitty's new partner and has a thing for the catsuit. Dr. Tito Hernandez (Alien in the Family) is Kitty and Jamie-Katt's personal physician while Melanie and Emily, both Dazzler A-Cs, assist Tito. Walter Ward is in charge of embassy security; his brother, William, is an imageer. Pierre is quite talented in styling, culture, and manners and very useful as the new Majordomo Concierge. Denise Lewis is Kevin"s wife, in charge of the embassy daycare, and teacher (Kevin is Kitty's mom's second-in-command at PTCU) and they, with their children, Raymond and Rachel, are living at the embassy. Doreen and Irving Weisman with baby Ezra also live at the embassy. Nurse Magdalena Rijos-Carter has signed on to help Tito.

Alpha team includes:
Paul Gower is a half-A-C/half-human and can read dreams and memories; he's ACE's habitat and the new Supreme Pontifex. Commander James Reader is a gorgeous former supermodel, who is in a relationship with Paul and Head of the Field for Centaurion Division; Kitty considers him one of her best guy friends. Gatita is Reader's Poof. ACE is an alien entity, who thinks Kitty walks on water, and lives inside Paul. Michael Gower is Paul's younger brother and an astronaut at NASA; Fuzzball is his Poof. Naomi and Abigail are Paul's hybrid sisters and the new cultural attaches. Erika is their mother; Stanley is their father. Serene (Ronald Yates' daughter and a full-A-C) is still pregnant and the head of Imageering; she's married to Brian Dwyer (Kitty's old boyfriend).

Gladys is head of overall security for the A-Cs. Jeremy Barone and his sister, Jennifer, are pulled in to help police the festival.

Airborne includes:
Captain Tim Crawford is the new head of Airborne in Kitty's place. The unmarried ones include Captain Jerry Tucker, Matt Hughes, and Walker. Joe Billings is married to Captain Lorraine, and they have a son, Ross Edward. Randy Muir is married to Captain Claudia, and they have a son as well, Sean Zachary.

Mister Joel Oliver is a photographer with World Weekly News. Olga Dalca and Adriana, her granddaughter, are with the Romanian embassy and very interested in events at the AC embassy after events in Alien Diplomacy. Adrien is Olga's husband, the ambassador, and has no idea what's going on.

Senator Vincent Armstrong is the senior senator from Florida and not one of Kitty's favorite people. Guy Gadoire is a lobbyist for the tobacco industry and in interested in enticing Kitty into bed with he and his lover, Vance Beaumont. Mona Nejem and her driver, Khalid, are Bahraini; Oren and Jakob are Mossad. Prince is Officer Melville's German shepherd and they're part of the K-9 unit from Alien Proliferation. The Feliniad, Canus Majorian, and Reptilians show up, thank you very much. King Alexander, the king of Alpha Four and Jeff's cousin, is very useful with the gifts and spaceships.

John and Sandra is in charge of the testing at Kennedy.

Ronaldo Al Dejahl is Yates' son and bent on revenge. The Pontifex, Gladys, Alfred, and Serene are all Ronaldo's siblings. Amy's father's second wife, LaRue Demorte Gaultier, was the brains behind everything in Alien Proliferation and she fled Earth orbit. God knows where! Casey Jones is the stewardess from Operation Drug Addict and a member of Club 51.

The Z'porrah look like mini T-rexes and are too totally clueless. Unfortunately, they do have a lot of power.

Colonel Marvin Hamlin is Cliff's boss. Colonel Franklin is in charge of Andrews Air Force Base; Captain Gil Morgan, his adjunct, is "required" at the Dome. Them Dazzlers do like a smart boy!

Stryker Dane, a.k.a., Eddy Simms, is a brilliant hacker who is the resident UFO and extraterrestrial languages expert and undercover in the military along with Big George Lecroix, who is Europe's best hacker and speaks some twenty languages fluently. Also Doctor Wu, a.k.a., Henry, is a software expert, China's most expert hacker, and covers the languages the others don't; Ravi Gaekwad is India's best hacker and big on hardware and software; and, Omega Red, a.k.a., Yuri Stanislav, is blind but killer with audio cryptology.

Dazzlers are how Kitty collectively refers to the A-C females because that's what they do: they dazzle everyone with their beauty, intelligence, and compassion. Imageers manipulate images electronically and in front of you and can learn all about a person simply by touching an image. Empaths feel emotions. Poofs look like "tiny, fluffy kittens with no ears or tails, but with shiny black button eyes", who can morph into Jeff-sized, very, very protective critters. Once you name one, they're yours for life. With all the weddings, there are LOTS more Poofs. The Royal Peregrines are, initially, a most unwelcome gift from King Alexander that suddenly pops in during the night. Bruno appears to be Kitty's Peregrine; Lola is his mate. Richard's birds are Samson and Delilah; Kyle's are Fred and Wilma; Len's are Barney and Betty. I think George and Gracie belong to Walter; Chuckie's are Han and Leia; and, Harold and Maude are stressed about an invasion.

The Cover
The cover is a scene from the book with fires and monsters on the ground, alien ships in the sky shooting lasers, Royal Peregrines clawing, and Jeff with his back to us protecting Kitty and the baby.

The title is accurate enough, if not descriptive enough, to describe the battles of Alien vs. Alien in Washington, D.C.

katyanaish's review against another edition

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Well, this one honestly nearly killed the series for me. The two biggest recurring plot threads - Kitty being sidelined, Jeff being a douche - moved into the main plot arc for this book. That coupled with Reader's character being, quite frankly, ruined meant I came pretty close to DNF in the first half.

I hate this transition, with Kitty, Jeff and Christopher being powerless in the Diplomatic Corps and Reader (in particular), Serene and Tim being these egomaniacal douches that order everyone to obey them. Aside from not liking what this does with the characters, I just don't feel like it makes any logical sense. Firstly, because we had been told previously that Diplomatic Corps is a separate branch of the A-C government, serving as a check and balance against the military wing (Centaurion Division). So Reader SHOULD NOT have authority over them, in the same way that Jeff and Christopher did not have authority over the DipCorps when they were Team Evil. The fact that he seems to have that authority now is not only inconsistent, it is concerning. Because... that means the military runs A-C on Earth? They are a military dictatorship - because that's what it is called when your guy in charge is the head of your military division. So, really? Because that's fucked. And it undermines so much of their overall arc. Why are they concerned about being War Division? I mean, who cares, if they are a people already under military rule, right?

Secondly, this makes no sense because it kneecaps the power players. Like, hey, you used to be able to go out and handle stuff, but now you can't without getting a hall pass. And getting snarked at.

In this book, particularly, it just felt like there was boatloads of TSTL stuff happening. Like, hey guys, it is clear the bad guys have manipulated events to keep Kitty out of the loop. Oh well, guess we just do what the bad guys want. Also, who is the one who randomly decided - RIGHT NOW - that Kitty's high security clearance was revoked pending this test? Because she's been working with high security intel for LITERALLY 3 years at this point, and 6-8 months of that was here in DipCorps, so NO, it's not just a thing that had to happen when she transitioned to DipCorps. Frankly, if I wanted to look for the Head Bad Guy, I'd be looking for the guy who revoked her security clearance and set this whole chain of events in motion. But no one - literally no one - even thinks about that at any point in this book.

It wasn't much saved by the coming together of stuff at the end of this book, either, because it felt ... I don't know, jumbled. Like pieces never fit really well, and there was lots of random stuff, and ... at the end of the day,
Spoilergiven that it was a big giant alien invasion
I don't really feel like Kitty - or anyone on the team, really - contributed much to the foiling of the plan.
SpoilerReally, Alpha Four had been monitoring the situation, and when they were needed, Alpha Four came in and handled the situation. Even having figured out the plan and wrangled her people, Kitty and the team didn't have much impact. At best, they stalled things a little, until the cavalry showed up.
It was very odd to feel like ... honestly, Kitty and team were largely incidental to what was going on. It felt like a heck of a lot of wheel-spinning, and then... *shrug*

I've already bought the next 3 books, so I'm reading on, but not hopeful. This one was pretty dismal. I'd give it 1 star for the first half, 3 stars for the last half as pieces started coming together, but only 2 stars for the resolution.

blodeuedd's review

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As I have reviewed many Kitty books before I will try not to go into details I just feel I have said it all already. But I will try.

The book is crazy, but if you have read Koch's books before you already know this. If you haven't then what are you waiting for? Crazy stuff is happening all over the place, Kitty is as smart (in her weird way) as ever. She has a new talent that you will get to see in action. Non stop action.

I do not know what to say, I enjoyed it. There was quite a mystery about who is bad, who is after them, what the &%& is happening? There will be aliens, androids and new freaky things to get to know. Things does not cool down in Kitty's world.

The romance, well someone will find romance. Martini seems to be cooling down on the jealousy (lol, well sort of). I missed Reader. Christopher and Amy are happy. Not much of Mama Katt. White, yay (he is so cool),, sorry but I just do not like him. Oh and there is someone..."bitchy", oh you will laugh when you see what I mean.

Crazy action, hidden secrets and evil baddies. Koch never fails to surprise.

vikcs's review against another edition

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adventurous funny mysterious fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? No


diaryofthebookdragon's review

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She blinked. "What's going on?"
"Oh, the usual crap. Only more of it."
"Oh." She shrugged. "So, routine."

brunettewithbooks's review

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Gotta love the snark. Alien vs. Alien was entertaining, fast paced and fun! There's new AC pets! Kitty actually gets jealous (of an attention whore parrot no less)! Big things happen! Alien vs. Alien picks up a months months later. Due to a series of (unfortunate?) events, Kitty doesn't have the security clearance to actually know what's going on, so in typical Kitty fashion--she wings it.
“Can I get a bird amen?” Peregrine wings all flapped, there were several coos, and even a couple of hoots. “Can I get a real bird amen?” Peregrines hooted and flapped. They enjoyed the impromptu revival meeting. I looked around the room. Apparently only the Peregrines and I were finding this amusing.
“Wow,” Chuckie said finally, breaking the horrified human and A-C silence in the room. “You’ve become Doctor Doolittle.”

It was refreshing to see Kitty without her normal partners in crime as she figures the plots out and relies on her "random tendencies" to get the job done. Again, I love this series. Koch has delivered again and I can't wait for more.

4/5 stars

nitzanschwarz's review

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We're back with the gang a few weeks after the end of Alien Diplomacy. 

Jamie is having her teeth grow out, old enemies surprise and turn allies, presents from home planet make a commotion, androids and supersoldiers are popping everywhere and if all that wasn't enough, Jeff and Chuckie have gone AWOL. 

The things I really liked about this book were a) Charles finding his true partner. We all knew it can't be Kitty. We all knew he just had to get a girl, and personally, I had my favorites for the job. So I was super happy one of my favs rose to the occasion! ;)

b) I loved the whole enemy-turned-frienemy thing that was going on.

C) Israelis!! LOL, for me, as an Israeli, it was great seeing those Israelis, especially in such a favorable light. Love, love, love!   

As usual; lots of action, romance, and comedy. 

But, and there is a big but, this book's ending came out as a giant shock for me because it was filled with gore! seriously, be warned, the last bits are kind of traumatizing. This series never had too much trouble with killing things off in horrible ways, but this one wasn't like that. 

So, yeah. Be warned. 

bewoelkt_aber_heiter's review against another edition

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Wieder viel besser als der Vorgängerband. Kittys Witz, Charme und Spekulationstalent sind hier wieder auf dem absoluten Höhepunkt und sie ist in mehr Action verwickelt, auch wenn dahingehend das Finale noch ein kleinwenig ausbaufähig gewesen wäre.

lalabristow's review against another edition

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Originally Posted at Welcome to Larissa's Bookish Life

Reading a Gini Koch Novel is like taking a vacation from a job you didn’t even know isn’t that great until you take a break from it. Gini writes literary crack and I for one and not planning to go into rehab anytime soon.

Alien Vs. Alien is all I could have asked for in a Kitty Katt novel. Non-stop, heart stopping action by kick-ass characters that draw you in more and more with each book. One more time Gini Koch gives all the characters we have grow to love involved in out of this world schemes, plots and drama that make it impossible to put down.

I love seeing Kitty and Martini together and dealing with their enemies as a family. The whole AC extended family is always a treat to read about and I was very glad with their developments, especially regarding Chuck! =D

I do have to say that, I would have had a very hard time enjoying Alien Vs, Alien as much as I did, if I hadn’t read the previous books in the series. There are so many overarching plots, small plots, sub-plots, etc; that makes it hard to keep track if you are not intimate with them all from book one.

All in all, Alien Vs. Alien is everything I have come to expect from a Gini Koch book and more. The words she writes are like drugs, every time I finally get my fix, I can’t help wanting much more!

melodicfate's review against another edition

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This took me forever to finish! There were just so many explanations, all usually given by Kitty, that my interest wavered a considerable amount. Plus, some parts were definitely a bit over-the-top. Still, when things started really happening, I couldn't stop reading. This book had some huge events taking place in it, and I'm really wondering what the rest of the series will be like now. Glad to see Jeff and Chuckie reach a certain understanding, although I thought that a certain thing surrounding Chuckie and another character came out of nowhere. Still, I know I'll eventually read the next book in the series.