A review by brunettewithbooks
Alien vs. Alien by Gini Koch


Gotta love the snark. Alien vs. Alien was entertaining, fast paced and fun! There's new AC pets! Kitty actually gets jealous (of an attention whore parrot no less)! Big things happen! Alien vs. Alien picks up a months months later. Due to a series of (unfortunate?) events, Kitty doesn't have the security clearance to actually know what's going on, so in typical Kitty fashion--she wings it.
“Can I get a bird amen?” Peregrine wings all flapped, there were several coos, and even a couple of hoots. “Can I get a real bird amen?” Peregrines hooted and flapped. They enjoyed the impromptu revival meeting. I looked around the room. Apparently only the Peregrines and I were finding this amusing.
“Wow,” Chuckie said finally, breaking the horrified human and A-C silence in the room. “You’ve become Doctor Doolittle.”

It was refreshing to see Kitty without her normal partners in crime as she figures the plots out and relies on her "random tendencies" to get the job done. Again, I love this series. Koch has delivered again and I can't wait for more.

4/5 stars