A review by lalabristow
Alien vs. Alien by Gini Koch


Originally Posted at Welcome to Larissa's Bookish Life

Reading a Gini Koch Novel is like taking a vacation from a job you didn’t even know isn’t that great until you take a break from it. Gini writes literary crack and I for one and not planning to go into rehab anytime soon.

Alien Vs. Alien is all I could have asked for in a Kitty Katt novel. Non-stop, heart stopping action by kick-ass characters that draw you in more and more with each book. One more time Gini Koch gives all the characters we have grow to love involved in out of this world schemes, plots and drama that make it impossible to put down.

I love seeing Kitty and Martini together and dealing with their enemies as a family. The whole AC extended family is always a treat to read about and I was very glad with their developments, especially regarding Chuck! =D

I do have to say that, I would have had a very hard time enjoying Alien Vs, Alien as much as I did, if I hadn’t read the previous books in the series. There are so many overarching plots, small plots, sub-plots, etc; that makes it hard to keep track if you are not intimate with them all from book one.

All in all, Alien Vs. Alien is everything I have come to expect from a Gini Koch book and more. The words she writes are like drugs, every time I finally get my fix, I can’t help wanting much more!