A review by nitzanschwarz
Alien vs. Alien by Gini Koch


We're back with the gang a few weeks after the end of Alien Diplomacy. 

Jamie is having her teeth grow out, old enemies surprise and turn allies, presents from home planet make a commotion, androids and supersoldiers are popping everywhere and if all that wasn't enough, Jeff and Chuckie have gone AWOL. 

The things I really liked about this book were a) Charles finding his true partner. We all knew it can't be Kitty. We all knew he just had to get a girl, and personally, I had my favorites for the job. So I was super happy one of my favs rose to the occasion! ;)

b) I loved the whole enemy-turned-frienemy thing that was going on.

C) Israelis!! LOL, for me, as an Israeli, it was great seeing those Israelis, especially in such a favorable light. Love, love, love!   

As usual; lots of action, romance, and comedy. 

But, and there is a big but, this book's ending came out as a giant shock for me because it was filled with gore! seriously, be warned, the last bits are kind of traumatizing. This series never had too much trouble with killing things off in horrible ways, but this one wasn't like that. 

So, yeah. Be warned.