
Cursed by Fire: The Immortal Brothers by Jacquelyn Frank

romancejunkie1025's review

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3.5 stars... still mulling this one over... full review to come soon.

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review

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*I received a free ARC of Cursed by Fire from Ballantine Books via Netgalley in exchange of an honest and unbiased review*

The overall plot and storyline was quite good, but I found the writing to be stilted, and the characters not fully three dimensional.

Full review to come soon.

This and all my other reviews are originally posted on my blog (un)Conventional Bookviews

hannas_heas47's review

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***I received an ARC from Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine through NetGalley for an honest review***

Amazing new series by this author. I absolutely devoured it. Loved it. I'm a bit shocked by some of the reviews. I wasn't a big fan of some of her other series but different strokes for different folks. The series contains four brothers who defied the gods and drank from immortal waters. Now they are each cursed differently and in this book Dethan is cursed by fire. Fire licks his skin until he turns to ash....over and over. The Goddess of War releases him to do her bidding, but he still has to return every night. Amazing strength in this man, and the world building here was so vivid I completely lost myself in the story. Dethan and Selinda have such a fiery chemistry, I loved reading their scenes. Overall entertainment is four stars. I can't wait for book two.

Review format

Could I put this book down? Hell no
Characters have chemistry? Amazing and hot
Religious? Used gods, and goddesses
Erotic? Yes
Specific genre? Erotic paranormal
Main characters? Dethan and Selinda
Define main characters? Immortal man meets Mage of fire, together they combust.

coffeekat3's review

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I picked this book because I was looking for a fantasy romance, it’s not YA which is my usual choice for fantasy romance, but I wanted a more developed romance and thought I would find that in this book. The over-all writing is not bad, but the plot is not my favorite. The “bad guy” is easily known, and the main female, Selinda, is portrayed to be delicate and weak. There are moments where she exhibits strength, but she has lived a life where others seem to make decisions for her. Personally I prefer more fire in my female leads, but the structure of gender roles were well known from the start that a woman is for making children, not ruling. That being said, the king was not a great ruler and weak as well. The male lead- Dethan- seems to support giving Selinda more power, while at the same time making demands of her (and she often obliges) which I found at odds with one another. He makes demands of her while telling her she is strong? What? I guess I would have preferred the approach as: “Selinda, what do you think a ruler should do in this situation?” But he doesn’t do that, he really is often the one making decisions or suggesting things to Selinda. Note that there is also physical abuse in this book and taunting with rape from the “bad guy”, which can be off-putting in a romance.
I found the POV structure to be odd. It was always told in third-person omniscient (I believe) because in one paragraph we could see Selinda’s POV and then it would switch to Dethan’s in the same paragraph. It made for some confusing POV switching.
The ending was meh. There was a battle. There was some magic. Some “I can’t lose you” talk. I gave it two stars because at least I finished it, but there was something missing from this book that left me uninterested. Perhaps I just wasn’t invested enough in the characters.

nipomuki's review

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This is very hard for me to grade. I was interested in the story, and wanted to know how it would all work out. This part of the book was quite satisfying. Also some of the secondary characters, including the bad guy, were well done. And I liked the heroine and her personal story arch.

My problem was with the hero, his internal voice was often grating, some of his views deeply problematic to me. I understand what the author was doing, his personality made sense in the context, but I just wasn’t comfortable with him.

The narrator is one of my favorites, I adore his fantasy audiobooks. I am less happy with the kind of romances he gets to narrate.

My solution was to listen at a higher speed, and to jump through the sex scenes.
That way I could enjoy the story without the things I did not like disturbing me too much.

After re-reading the above I came to the conclusion that I really enjoyed the fantasy aspect of this book, but it did not work for me very well as a romance.

ezichinny's review

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I both liked and hated that this story was simple and predictable. It was easy to follow and the villain was evident immediately. While the ending was obvious, I was curious to see how the characters would evolve.

Declan was chained and burned by gods' fire for daring to drink from a fountain of immortality. After over a century of punishment, the goddess of conflict, Weysa, came to Declan with a deal. She will give him respite during the day, if he will amass worshippers in her name. The gods were fighting amongst each other and their individual powers were waning since they were not being revered as in times past.

Declan's first stop took him to Hexis where the people huddled in fear of the Redoe, a neighobor army, who extorted them for crops and money. The Grand (king) was a simpleton and offered his daughter Selinda to a cruel man, Grannish if he would save Hexis from the siege. The Grannish treated Selinda abominably and forced her perform humiliating tassk. One of them was to grant a kiss to winners of Sparing contests, which usually featured lowly born peasants. It was at such a contest that Declan first played champion to Selinda, and igniting the spark that would eventually turn into passion.

In Declan, Selinda saw a savior who would rescue her from the Grannish and save her people. In Hexis, Declan saw the answer to his quest to find new worshipers for his goddess. Their alliance ended up freeing them from their enemies as well as satisfying the goddess Weysa.

I have read several books by Jacquelyn Frank and I find her writing to be inconsistent. The Nightwalkers had some excellent books. In fact, Gideon is one of my top 5 all-time favorite PNR/UF books.
This book was too elementary for an author of her caliber. She is obviously very creative and talented because her books are different from the status quo. The idea in this one has promise, but the execution of book 1 was rudimentary. The characters were so one-dimensional. Everything was so obvious, cliché and truthfully, the book was boring. It lacked a true foundation of how the gods at conflict operate and I sincerely hope the paperback has a chart so we can remember the gods. I am going to give it a pass as a book 1 and try book 2 before I decide where to go. I have read books by this author that blew me away so I am not ready to give up on this series yet.

*Special thanks to Random house Publishing—Ballantine via Netgalley for the e-arc, which was given in exchange for an honest review.

amyiw's review

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If I wasn't reading it as a group read, I wouldn't have got through it.

This is classified under Paranormal romance, but there is nothing normal about it and I would classify it as high fantasy romance. It is a different world, different society, different gods, probably a different planet though the planet name never came up. There is very poor world building, boring, and the characters are flat and unlikeable. At first I thought I might have some sympathy with the woman but in the end she hid important things from the guy, Dethan. This does not a good relationship make.

I was bored all the way through. Didn't care about the gods, was not sure what the war was about, didn't think the punishment made sense since he had to fight for the goddess. Never got how long from Sunset to the 'whatever hour' was where he stopped burning. What did he walk as a skeleton back and slowly heal on the way? Without muscles, how did he do that? It just sounded stupid. He just put her in more danger and then she lied to not let him know. Once the sex starts about 80% in it is like an erotic novel. and the ending was piecemeal, thrown together, not fluid with things happening with any planning... at all. His brother gets released in the end, and I really couldn't care much about that either. I will not be reading on.

I didn't hate it but it wasn't good at all 1 1/2 stars because at some points I though I might start liking it. Still at 80% I had to get some zzz's and when the next day, I got reading time, I dreaded going back to it to finish.

I really, really like Jacquelyn Franks Nightwalker Universe (not so much the Shadowdwellers though I at least liked them), even the new stories, but this... first time a bad review for her.

liferhi_inspired's review

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*4.5 STARS*

Jacquelyn Frank was a new author for me, so I didn't quite know what to expect from her going into this book.

Cursed by Fire is a story set in it's own unique world. This story has a heavy Greek mythology feeling...only that this isn't Greek but from it's own world. Add in a little steamy sex and romance to this mythology and you have one enjoyable story.

Dethan is an ancient warrior who thought that he could outsmart the Gods and gain immortality. As a result, he was sentenced to spend eternity as an immortal burning in the fires of Hell. By the grace of the Goddess, he is released fro his hell and forced to conquer cities in her name. Selinda is the daughter to the ruler of Helix, and is betrothed to a evil man she wishes to not marry. Selinda will make a deal with Dethan; one that will not only save herself from a loveless marriage, but will also save her beloved city.

Overall, I thought that the story plot was interesting and entertaining. The characters were well thought out and well rounded. Overall I thought that the dialogue flowed smoothly, though there were a couple parts where I felt it was forced and unrealistic. While there are some really steamy scenes contained within these pages, the main focus of the story is on what happens to Dethan and Selinda outside of the bedroom.

The reason that I gave this story 4.5 stars and not 5, is that Selinda as a character was not as strong as she could have been. While she was an extremely strong character is some aspects, she was very weak in others. She allowed herself to be a victim instead of standing up for herself. Dethan was oblivious to what was occurring with Selinda, which was also very frustrating. I just couldn't help but think that this story could have been better if Selinda were able to grow a stronger backbone.

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion*

dreamer4ever's review

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It was ok. The writing is excellent but I'm not a huge fan of stories set in the times where if a woman kisses a man or isn't dressed from head to toe that she is scandalous or her reputation will be ruined, I avoid those stories cuz I just don't have the patience for them. I may continue on because the mythology parts are good. As this is my first book by author I can tell I like her so as my friends have suggested I'm going to give her other series a try, I keep hearing how good they are.

tfail24's review against another edition

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I really hate rating this book since I stopped reading it about 50% through the book.

I have loved Jacquelyn Franks past books but this one was a disappointment for me. I found myself not liking either the hero or the heroine. The building of the work was also a let down for me and I found this book left me bored and hoping that it would improve.

Since I am a big fan of Jacquelyn Frank's, I will be giving Cursed by Ice a chance to see if it is better.

ARC provided by Netgalley for an honest review.