A review by liferhi_inspired
Cursed by Fire: The Immortal Brothers by Jacquelyn Frank


*4.5 STARS*

Jacquelyn Frank was a new author for me, so I didn't quite know what to expect from her going into this book.

Cursed by Fire is a story set in it's own unique world. This story has a heavy Greek mythology feeling...only that this isn't Greek but from it's own world. Add in a little steamy sex and romance to this mythology and you have one enjoyable story.

Dethan is an ancient warrior who thought that he could outsmart the Gods and gain immortality. As a result, he was sentenced to spend eternity as an immortal burning in the fires of Hell. By the grace of the Goddess, he is released fro his hell and forced to conquer cities in her name. Selinda is the daughter to the ruler of Helix, and is betrothed to a evil man she wishes to not marry. Selinda will make a deal with Dethan; one that will not only save herself from a loveless marriage, but will also save her beloved city.

Overall, I thought that the story plot was interesting and entertaining. The characters were well thought out and well rounded. Overall I thought that the dialogue flowed smoothly, though there were a couple parts where I felt it was forced and unrealistic. While there are some really steamy scenes contained within these pages, the main focus of the story is on what happens to Dethan and Selinda outside of the bedroom.

The reason that I gave this story 4.5 stars and not 5, is that Selinda as a character was not as strong as she could have been. While she was an extremely strong character is some aspects, she was very weak in others. She allowed herself to be a victim instead of standing up for herself. Dethan was oblivious to what was occurring with Selinda, which was also very frustrating. I just couldn't help but think that this story could have been better if Selinda were able to grow a stronger backbone.

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion*