A review by amyiw
Cursed by Fire: The Immortal Brothers by Jacquelyn Frank


If I wasn't reading it as a group read, I wouldn't have got through it.

This is classified under Paranormal romance, but there is nothing normal about it and I would classify it as high fantasy romance. It is a different world, different society, different gods, probably a different planet though the planet name never came up. There is very poor world building, boring, and the characters are flat and unlikeable. At first I thought I might have some sympathy with the woman but in the end she hid important things from the guy, Dethan. This does not a good relationship make.

I was bored all the way through. Didn't care about the gods, was not sure what the war was about, didn't think the punishment made sense since he had to fight for the goddess. Never got how long from Sunset to the 'whatever hour' was where he stopped burning. What did he walk as a skeleton back and slowly heal on the way? Without muscles, how did he do that? It just sounded stupid. He just put her in more danger and then she lied to not let him know. Once the sex starts about 80% in it is like an erotic novel. and the ending was piecemeal, thrown together, not fluid with things happening with any planning... at all. His brother gets released in the end, and I really couldn't care much about that either. I will not be reading on.

I didn't hate it but it wasn't good at all 1 1/2 stars because at some points I though I might start liking it. Still at 80% I had to get some zzz's and when the next day, I got reading time, I dreaded going back to it to finish.

I really, really like Jacquelyn Franks Nightwalker Universe (not so much the Shadowdwellers though I at least liked them), even the new stories, but this... first time a bad review for her.