
The Delphi Effect by Rysa Walker

heidikundin's review

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Picked this up on Kindle Unlimited without knowing anything about it, and I was pleasantly surprised that I really enjoyed it (most of my Kindle Unlimited picks have been 2-3 stars). The characters were developed very well, even minor ones, and the storyline kept me hooked. I didn't realize that this novel is the first in a series, and the rest of the series hasn't been released/written yet, but I'm looking forward to the next one!

autumn_faerie's review

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The Delphi Effect was one of the best young adult books of 2016.It is one heck of an amazing book in the genre of Sci-Fi too and really,it’s so different from the other Sci-Fi books that I read.I haven’t read any of the other books by Rysa Walker,but this one is absolutely mindblowing.I could make a whole list of reasons why I thought this was so good,starting from the plot.It is action packed from the very beginning and is nothing of what you expect.Maybe a pages in the beginning didn’t make sense to me,or maybe those few pages reminded me a bit about Stephenie Meyer’s The Host,but trust me,it is NOTHING like that.It sparks your curiosity from the beginning,and with the addition of plot twists and so many smaller elements throughout the book,it’s really difficult to let go of the book.Some parts might have creeped me out(the whole reason why I generally don’t read Paranormal,but I don’t regret reading this even an ounce!)Even the title sounds intriguing!Delphi from the Oracle of Delphi,and here,an organisation(it’s probably the wrong word for it) called Delphi ,both have something related to special powers in common,though one for good(maybe?) and the other for evil (I guess so)

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pronkbaggins's review

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5.0/5.0 stars

Very cool YA book! I already have the second one in my wish list. The premise is a sort of overused one, but the characters are intriguing. The author is great at writing about how certain types of "gifts" could affect one psychologically. Overall, an interesting read to the point that I do want to know what comes next.

nyeran's review

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- "You’re saying you have spidey sense? Can you also shoot webs out of your wrist to swing from building to building?
- "No, Anna. I cannot. And I really can’t believe I’m taking crap from the girl who speaks to dead people.

♠ Rendere il libro veramente interessante e coinvolgente solo a ¾ di lettura non mi sembra proprio un idea geniale. Ma tant'è. Ti becchi quste due stelle perché 60 pagine su 298 sono una presa per il culo. E perché se andiamo fino in fondo la parte davvero interessante è racchiusa nelle ultime 5 pagine. 

♠ Non voglio manco parlare di questi due che sono'innamorati dopo essere stati in contatto per due giorni? Nei quali tra l'altro a lei hanno sparato, hanno cercato di investirla, hanno rapito il suo migliore amico e le hanno fatto capire che la vogliono solo per sfruttare la sua abilita psichica. A fine libro questi si guardano con gli occhi cucciolosi e non si capisce perché, non si capisce su che base. Ma lei è speciale perché è come lui (quindi non è poi così speciale visto che viene rinchiusa in un luogo dove ci sono bambini che fanno cose peggio delle sue) e bla bla bla, stronzate. La storiella romantica è defilata rispetto alla storia principale, per carità, però a sto punto non ce la mettere per niente. O non fare la codarda e rendi Daniel l'interesse amoroso che almeno c'ha una personalità migliore di quell'ameba di suo fratello, cazzo. L'intera personalità di Aaron è essere buonissimo, sempre gentile, disponibile, comprensivo, esattamente come Anna. Hanno la stessa fottuta personalità. Almeno Daniel ed Anna si scontrano, lui è sarcastico e un po' stronzo e lei reagisce, lei è viva con lui. Ma no, no, appioppiamole il 18enne che si fa grosso del fatto che porta una pistola e che ha un potere psichico che è inutile.

♠ E poi tolto questo, il resto del libro è tutto un continuo infodump con nomi, sigle, discorsi che durano pagine e pagine con eventi accaduti, teorie complottistiche, pettegolezzi. Non ho idea di quanti dialoghi ho saltato perché non me ne fregava nulla di star dietro a tutte quelle informazioni inutili visto che poi quando Anna viene rinchiusa nel laboratorio si scopre praticamente tutto.

♠ Tra l'altro geniale la madre di Aaron e Taylor che si mette in cerca di persone con abilità psichiche per aiutarle e lo dice solo al figlio che tecnicamente non ha abilità ignorando gli altri due a cui un tantino dovrebbe interessare visto che rientrano nella categoria. Genio. 

kethyar's review

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Decent read, but the first third was a little confusing. Maybe because I was reading at work, but I didn't quite follow the too many character names and the whole Molly / death and the connection to the larger picture wasn't that clear until the second half when I finally put it together.

ameserole's review

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The Delphi Effect was so freaking good and intense! I feel like my mind was all over the place trying to keep track of everything happening. I will forever ship Anna and Aaron together. Once they become a couple I'm going to call them my A team. The ending kind of broke me and I think Daniel deserved way better than that.

This book just hits you with the pow pow all throughout the book. There's some psychic stuff going on which leads to Anna getting in a shit ton of trouble. Even though I don't believe in ghosts and mediums this book was still so freaking addictive to read. Once I got hooked there was no stopping until the book was over. Or I was dead. Either one was acceptable in my eyes.

Overall, I loved this book. I wanted more - especially a way different ending - but hey, book two will be my next victim.. next month!

cathyatratedreads's review

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I enjoyed this, would give it a solid 3.5 stars if I could, but not really 4. I liked Walker's Chronos files books better, just in that they were more original. This story was much like the X-Men or any number of other stories about people, here mostly teens, being given or having special abilities (here pretty much mind-related abilities) and being used by the government or shadowy organizations. But it's interesting and I'll read the other books, most likely, when they come out.

Read my full review, including a rating for content, at

malreynolds111's review

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I received an advance copy of this book for review from net galley. I enjoyed the premise of this book very much. It took a long time to set up the characters and the story line and it did feel very much like it was getting everything ready for the rest of the story. Looking forward to book number 2.

melissasbookshelf's review

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Loved this first book in the latest series by Rysa Walker! It was hard to put down. It begins when a girl named Anna is troubled by the ghost of a girl who was murdered. Anna has the ability to hear and communicate with ghosts and this has caused problems her whole life. She was abandoned at three and has gone from foster home to foster home. This latest ghost wants Anna to tell her grandfather who murdered her. Unfortunately, as Anna delves deeper into the mystery, her own life and the lives of her friends are put in danger.

The story was compelling and the characters were likable. The villains are the type that you love to hate. I can't wait to read the next book in the series! I'd recommend this for older teens because some of the material is violent and disturbing.

reneesmith's review against another edition

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A favorite narrator & another thrill ride sci fi/fantasy story from Rysa Walker. I enjoy both the inner voice RW gives to her main characters & the way the narrator interprets them. This author also deftly builds a family feeling among her characters & weaves in a romantic thread. I can see why her books are so popular among her targeted age group---as well as among old readers like me :)

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