A review by autumn_faerie
The Delphi Effect by Rysa Walker


The Delphi Effect was one of the best young adult books of 2016.It is one heck of an amazing book in the genre of Sci-Fi too and really,it’s so different from the other Sci-Fi books that I read.I haven’t read any of the other books by Rysa Walker,but this one is absolutely mindblowing.I could make a whole list of reasons why I thought this was so good,starting from the plot.It is action packed from the very beginning and is nothing of what you expect.Maybe a pages in the beginning didn’t make sense to me,or maybe those few pages reminded me a bit about Stephenie Meyer’s The Host,but trust me,it is NOTHING like that.It sparks your curiosity from the beginning,and with the addition of plot twists and so many smaller elements throughout the book,it’s really difficult to let go of the book.Some parts might have creeped me out(the whole reason why I generally don’t read Paranormal,but I don’t regret reading this even an ounce!)Even the title sounds intriguing!Delphi from the Oracle of Delphi,and here,an organisation(it’s probably the wrong word for it) called Delphi ,both have something related to special powers in common,though one for good(maybe?) and the other for evil (I guess so)

For full review https://liveinthepagesofbooks.wordpress.com/2016/10/02/reviewthe-delphi-effect/