
Una vita da lettore by Nick Hornby

outoftheblue14's review against another edition

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Ne ho ricavato una lista piuttosto lunga di consigli di lettura.

[Nota alla traduzione: a un certo punto Hornby cita Tolkien, e nomina la Terra di Centro. La Terra di Centro?!?! Santi numi. La traduzione è stata affidata all'unica persona nell'emisfero boreale che non ha mai sentito parlare di Tolkien?]

anator10's review against another edition

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funny lighthearted fast-paced


mrwcc's review against another edition

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Usually when a book lover reads a book about a book lover and their live of books it doesn't always end well.

Glad that isn't the case this time. Hornby is engaging and witty and a pleasure to be in the company of.

ribeirofrio's review against another edition

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Hornby mi ha sorpresa con la sua vena ironica e leggera: non mi aspettavo affatto che uno scrittore popolare come lui potesse essere così umile ed esilarante, come se la fama non avesse lasciato traccia. (Anzi, i capitoli in cui suo cognato prende in giro i suoi libri mi hanno fatta piangere dal ridere!)
Sembra di chiacchierare amabilmente con un lettore qualunque, che dipende dai ritmi della famiglia, non sa più come tenere in ordine una casa invasa da libri, fa tardi la sera per guardare la partita di calcio. Tanto da farmi pensare che il suo vero talento non sia nei romanzo, ma in queste rubriche profonde e giocose, oneste e ironiche.

Peccato che mi sia pesato moltissimo il fatto di non conoscere neanche minimamente un buon 60% dei libri citati - alcuni capitoli mi sono sembrati fuori fuoco proprio perché non avevo chiaro in mente chi fosse l'autore, o che tipo di romanzo si meritasse un tipo di sarcasmo più o meno velato. Però, questa manchevolezza è decisamente un difetto del lettore, cioè io, non del talento di Hornby.

flajol's review against another edition

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An honest book about reading! As a dedicated book buyer, but not always so dedicated a reader, this collection of Hornby's book reviews from The Believer really struck home. My shelves are filled with books I want to read 'some day', and I accumulate books at a much faster rate than I'll ever read them.

I'm glad to know I'm not alone.

Of course, the danger with my reading books like this is that my TBR list grows, and The Complete Polysyllabic Spree is no different. I knew it was time to draw the line when I found myself noting down details of a cricket memoir. Eh? Stop! Hornby makes books I'd never dream of reading sound riveting and, what's more, fun.

The reviews aren't just of brand new books - you'll find reviews for Dickens alongside Lethem, and plenty of non-fiction in amongst the fiction.

nunuseli's review against another edition

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The Complete Polysyllabic Spree es la recopilación de una columna de Nick Hornby que aparece cada mes en la revista Believer y en la que comenta los libros que ha leído en el mes pasado. Es un estilo parecido al de '31 canciones', mezcla de reseña/crítica y relato autobiográfico. Y no importa si no has leído los libros de los que habla, porque más que hacer una crítica ortodoxa de un puñado de libros, lo que hace es hablar de su experiencia como lector y de sus hábitos de lectura, de la satisfacción que produce leer pero también de las decepciones que nos llevamos, de comprar libros compulsivamente aunque sabemos que probablemente no los leeremos nunca, de como unos libros nos llevan a otros, de como nos gustaría tener unos gustos lectores amplios pero como casi siempre acabamos leyendo el mismo tipo de libros, etc. Y en todo momento consigue transmitir toda la pasión que siente por los libros. Y, como es Nick Hornby, lo hace con una ironía deliciosa que nunca llega al sarcasmo gratuito. Y, como es Nick Hornby, nunca se muerde la lengua, y tanto puede decir que no soporta el libro de moda como el clásico de turno. Y, aunque a veces no esté de acuerdo con él (¡cómo no puede haberle gustado el 'Cándido'!), siempre disfruto enormemente leyéndolo, porque siempre es divertido y nunca cae en los fuegos artificiales. Y me he dado cuenta que es un trozo de pan y que es la típica persona de la que me gustaría ser amiga.

anttirask's review against another edition

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This is a book about reading books. It is a collection of monthly articles that Nick wrote for The Believer magazine basically about the books he bought and/or read each month. He is as funny if not funnier as a non-fiction writer and I enjoyed this book immensely.

Although it was quite odd, it didn't disturb me too much that the articles were written more than ten years ago and there were a lot of references to then-current events.

But the best thing about this book, I think, was the intro.
Spoiler It deals with the whole phenomenon of which books SHOULD we read vs. which books we actually ENJOY reading. This seems to be a common topic of conversation among people who read and the older I get, the more I tend to take Nick's side of concentrating on the books I enjoy and this intro was a good reminder of that.

In any case, I would recommend this book to both fans of Nick Hornby and those who like to think about the act of reading itself.

mairimav's review against another edition

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At a time before youtube and booktube came along, Nick Hornby, proving, as always, the pioneer that he is reminds readers the joys and sorrows and struggles of being a reader. He puts into perspective questions still unanswered like judging others for their reading material of choice and whether reading has become pretentious, whilst presenting how it like working in a literaty judgement free safe space with an ever changing number of employees. All that while giving us simultaneously exceptional recommendations. I am definitely biased, as he is one of my favourite authors of all time, but his genious and passion of the craft is shining through once again.

starness's review against another edition

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Books about books, what’s not to love. Funny and enjoyable but skimmed some parts.

_dunno_'s review against another edition

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I'm holding Mr. Hornby accountable for many of the books I added on the to-read shelf in the past few weeks. And if you see me reading David Copperfield it's entirely his fault. But if I'll be listening to the audio book it'll be because, well, Richard Armitage.