A review by flajol
The Complete Polysyllabic Spree by Nick Hornby


An honest book about reading! As a dedicated book buyer, but not always so dedicated a reader, this collection of Hornby's book reviews from The Believer really struck home. My shelves are filled with books I want to read 'some day', and I accumulate books at a much faster rate than I'll ever read them.

I'm glad to know I'm not alone.

Of course, the danger with my reading books like this is that my TBR list grows, and The Complete Polysyllabic Spree is no different. I knew it was time to draw the line when I found myself noting down details of a cricket memoir. Eh? Stop! Hornby makes books I'd never dream of reading sound riveting and, what's more, fun.

The reviews aren't just of brand new books - you'll find reviews for Dickens alongside Lethem, and plenty of non-fiction in amongst the fiction.