brii_brii's reviews
1720 reviews

A Touch of Chaos by Scarlett St. Clair

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This is the epitome of saving the best for last. This was by far the best book in the series. There was action, political intrigue, and espionage. All of it, everything I love that I wish had been more prominent in the other books. 

We moved away from all of the drama between Hades and Persephone and into the real nit and gritty between all the gods and the demi gods trying to take them down. I was on the edge of my seat for so much of this book, and I couldn't get enough. 

I don't know if it was worth all of the nonsense I went through with the rest of the series to get here, but I'm glad I got here. I really enjoyed this one. It's still only 3 stars, but considering the last couple of this series almost hit one star, I think that's a pretty big improvement. 

I don't know what it says about the main characters in the series when I preferred the side story to them. Dionysus and Ariadne stole the show. And of course, my Hermes ♡. Still low-key hate Apollo even if he did get a redemption arc. And I ended this series hating Persephone a little less, so that's nice, even if Hades is still a “meh” from me. 

A Game of Gods by Scarlett St. Clair

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I appreciate that this book spent quite a bit of time following Dionysus and Ariadne. It was fresh and new, and not a regurgitation of a book that's already been written, and not entirely all of Hades and Persephone bologna. I enjoyed their story. I really like Ariande. 

Other than that, everything else stayed the same. Persephone annoys the hell out of me. Hades is brooding and grumpy in the worst way. And there's still entirely too much smut and too little plot. 

I'm hopeful going into the last book that as all the storyline lines come together, I might enjoy my experience.  

A Touch of Malice by Scarlett St. Clair

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11/14/2021 ☆☆
05/17/2024 ★★

I really dont have much to say. This book is just more of the same Persephone nonsense. More if this book is sex than not. Honestly, it got annoying. It was just too much, I skipped most of it. There was some plot in this book, but it was absolutely flooded with smut that by the time I got to anything with any real substance, I just didn't care anymore. 

I appreciate that we got to see more of the gods in this one, I guess. I hate that everything that happened with Apollo just got swept under the rug and dismissed because he was “heartbroken and acting out”. Way to stand by your word Persephone. I guess that now her friend's powers were returned, it doesn't matter the way he treated all the OTHER people. Gross. Honestly. I know that happened in the last book, but he's around as her “friend” in this one, and that pisses me off. 

Hades is mysterious as always. Still not telling her shit. She's still mad. I can't. We're going in circles. Their relationship could not get worse. (Spoiler: it does). 

Also. If I have to read “are you well?” one more bloody time, I'm going to pull my hair out. 
The Grave Robber's Apprentice by Allan Stratton

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I read this book to my eight year old daughter, and I can't lie. Neither of us loved it. Neither of us was excited about it. Neither of us cared if we had to skip a night because we had activities to do. 

I'll throw my daughter's thoughts here and then insert mine at the bottom. 

• Angela is really annoying 
• The necromancer is gross and creepy 
• What's going on? 
• Pete the hermit and hans! Yay! 
• I really didn't think that was a good ending 

Angela was a handful, but I think that's to be expected from a young girl her age who's raised as a countess. Hans was great. This story was entirely predictable from page one. As someone who is older than 8, I saw the entire book flash before my eyes. Mostly. I was still surprised by some of the things the Necromancer did. That dude was creepy asf, my daughter hit that nail right on the head. 

I found the writing to be entirely excessive, especially for a kids' book. My daughter got so bored in some of the descriptions (that just went on and on) that she completely zoned out. There were also entire sections of the book that were just there as filler and served no purpose. 

When we finished the book, the first thing my daughter said was “I didn't like that book”. So those are her official stars. ☆

I'm going to go a bit higher, because I enjoyed the Circus friends. Also, because Angela attempted a Romeo and Juliet, and I thought that was fun. ☆☆ 

Hunt the Fae by Natalia Jaster

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There were a lot of similarities to Book 1 right off the hop in this one. While I will say right away, the story was vastly different for the most part, I felt like we were still following the same checklist going through this story that was followed in the first. 

I really connected more with Juniper than I did with Lark. While I liked that Lark was quirky, I loved how down to earth Juniper was. I was rooting for her and Puck, while with Lark and Cerulean, I found I didn't really care what happened with them. 

While Juniper's story did follow Larks quite closely, her relationship with Puck was way more fun to follow. He was a hilarious character, I was constantly smiling at the things he did and said, and let's be honest here, just absolutely swooning over him. 

I found myself a lot less confused about what was going on in this one. I didn't have to stop and reread quite as often, although it still did happen. I find Jaster's writing to be purposefully convoluted and overdone. Her prose is extensive… and usually not in a positive way. 

Overall, I liked this one WAY more than book 1. Although better, I still didn't find myself turning to this book, connecting to this book, or entirely invested in this book. So, 3 stars. 

A Game of Retribution by Scarlett St. Clair

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This book is the tiniest of tiny fractions better than a touch of ruin, and only because Hades story of going through Heras trials was slightly more interesting than following Persephone through her very boring whiny life. 

This book followed a touch of ruin much closer than the prior two books and so a ton of this book was just a copy and paste which, is something I really really hate in a second POV addition to a series. 

Hades and Persephone have the worst relationship. It's toxic, pathetic, and aggravating. I don't understand how two people fall in love when they spend zero time together other than having sex and fighting about how shitty they each are. I was honestly exhausted from reading them fight and argue by the first third of the book, and it continued to the bloody end. 

These books are YA with (a ton) of sex, and that just doesn't work for me. 

A Touch of Ruin by Scarlett St. Clair

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11/13/2021 ☆☆☆☆
05/14/2024 ★★

Ooooh Man. Three years ago, Brii was wrong. So wrong. I did not enjoy this book at all this go around. 

I can't stand Persephone. She is the actual freaking worst. She's an overgrown child; whiny and obnoxious. She ignores all the people around her and does whatever the eff she wants, always thinking she's doing it for other people when in reality she is just THE most selfish person in the world. 

Her relationship with Hades is a dumpster fire. Neither of them trust each other. Neither of them talk to each other. Neither of them are actually nice to each other. They just come together once in a while, claim they're in love, fight, bone, and then don't talk for another dozen chapters. 

I spent this book in a perpetual eye roll, frustrated and annoyed. This series really reads like YA with sex. Honestly, two pouting teenagers who can't stop bickering. That's Hades and Persephone. “You apologize, no YOU apologize”, on and on for an entire book. 

Shout out to Hermes, as always

A Game of Fate by Scarlett St. Clair

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While this book follows the same story as A Touch of Darkness, I think there were enough differences throughout and enough solo time with Hades that it felt almost like an entirely different story.

I usually dread a series with an entire book dedicated to a second pov, but I do have to say that this one was very well done. 

One of my biggest complaints in A Touch Of Darkness is that I felt like we really never got to know Hades outside from what random information was scattered throughout the book, so this was really great for insight into him that I felt was lacking. 

I still found Persephone to me immature and whiny. I still felt that she came off as a teenage girl throwing a tantrum, so obviously, I had very little connection to her. I like Hades a bit more now than I did previously, but I still found his character to be bland and “boorish”. 

Hermes is, and always will be, my shining star. I'm so glad for his character and the comedic relief he brings to these books. Between constant complaining from Persephone and bickering with Hades to (in the second half 9f the book) the literal chapter after chapter of sex, I found there to be very little plot to these books, and very little to hold my attention

A Touch of Darkness by Scarlett St. Clair

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11/ 13/ 2021 ★★★
05/11/2024 ☆☆☆

I stand by my original rating of this book. It's absolutely a 3 star book, and honestly, that might even be pushing it. 

I'm rereading because I wanted to finish the last few books of the series that I never go around to, but I'm second-guessing my decision.

Persephone comes off as extremely immature and childish. She's bordering on irredeemably annoying; just a typical rebelling teenager (except she's not a teenager). She also feels like an airhead to me, like she's walking around, confused all the time. Honestly, she's a pretty boring character. 

I want to say that I liked Hades, but I can't. We didn't really get to know him other than in little snippets. Everything we do learn about him comes from random other characters. I know he's rich. I know he owns clubs? And restaurants? But.. also makes deals with people. And runs the underworld. (Where does this dude get all his time?). I felt that he had very little personality other than “listened
to Persephone and started a charity so obviously he's a decent man/god/whatever). He also has very little character. 

I just wasn't invested in anyone. Except Hermes. Here's my little shout out to Hermes ♥︎ in these books of Gods my heart always finds itself to Hermes. 

Continuing, I found the pair had very little chemistry, and their relationship was pretty typical insta-love. Zero romance. Zero swoon. Just, boom. In love. Let's bake cookies. 

I will say this book was a quick, easy read. There was enough going on in the story that although I didn't love it, I kept turning pages.  You knew the ball had to drop at some point because let's face it, there are a ton of books in this series, and this book had very little plot. 

The ending eventually did bring a little more something, something to the table. I just wish I didn't have to wait a whole book for it to happen. 

Kiss the Fae by Natalia Jaster

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Not much happens in this book. Gunna throw that out there first and foremost. 

This is basically a romance book set in the world of the fae. We kinds just watch Lark and Cerulean fall in love and sprinkle in conquering the mountain labyrinth while we're at it. Don't get me wrong, it's not a totally bad thing, it just wasn't for me.

I was bored for big chunks of this one. Waiting for Cerulean and Lark to stop being dumb and click all the pieces together about each other. Waiting for Lark to actually try and climb the mountain. Waiting for my brain to actually understand all of the ridiculous cryptic riddles that filled this book (spoiler alert, it never did. This book is pretty forking confusing). 

I needed more. A lot more. More information about the world, the world building in this one fell really flat. More action in the book rather than short snippets here and there. More of an actual storyline. You trespassed, therefore, must climb this mountain isn't enough to fill a novel. Their history didn't cut it, even just for basic filler.

I also found the author's writing to be a bit much. It was excessive. Purposefully excessive, which made it worse. I found it to be convoluted, confusing, and frustrating at times. I had to reread certain passages more than once just to try to understand what the author was saying. The book didn't flow. 

As characters, I enjoyed Lark and Cerulean. Their story was wonderful, and their banter adorable. But as a book? This story really let me down. 

I'm going on to book 2, but only because I'm curious about Puck and Juniper. We'll see how far I make it.