A review by brii_brii
The Grave Robber's Apprentice by Allan Stratton


I read this book to my eight year old daughter, and I can't lie. Neither of us loved it. Neither of us was excited about it. Neither of us cared if we had to skip a night because we had activities to do. 

I'll throw my daughter's thoughts here and then insert mine at the bottom. 

• Angela is really annoying 
• The necromancer is gross and creepy 
• What's going on? 
• Pete the hermit and hans! Yay! 
• I really didn't think that was a good ending 

Angela was a handful, but I think that's to be expected from a young girl her age who's raised as a countess. Hans was great. This story was entirely predictable from page one. As someone who is older than 8, I saw the entire book flash before my eyes. Mostly. I was still surprised by some of the things the Necromancer did. That dude was creepy asf, my daughter hit that nail right on the head. 

I found the writing to be entirely excessive, especially for a kids' book. My daughter got so bored in some of the descriptions (that just went on and on) that she completely zoned out. There were also entire sections of the book that were just there as filler and served no purpose. 

When we finished the book, the first thing my daughter said was “I didn't like that book”. So those are her official stars. ☆

I'm going to go a bit higher, because I enjoyed the Circus friends. Also, because Angela attempted a Romeo and Juliet, and I thought that was fun. ☆☆