A review by gonza_basta
Functional Core for Women: Targeted Training for Glutes and Abs by Kia Williams

challenging informative medium-paced


Photos with excellent explanations, of core exercises, which, as I just learned, involves the muscle bands of the abdominals and gluteus. This book is especially useful for those who need to avoid certain exercises because of ailments that may affect the back or other parts of the body. They are also in order of difficulty so you can start even without too much athletic training.

Foto con ottime spiegazioni, di esercizi per il core, che, come ho appena imparato, riguarda le fasce muscolari degli addominali e dei glutei. Questo libro risulta particolarmente utile per chi deve evitare alcuni esercizi per via di disturbi che possono riguardare la schiena o altre parti del corpo. Sono inoltre in ordine di difficoltà quindi si puó cominciare anche senza troppa preparazione atletica.

I received from the Publisher a complimentary digital advanced review copy of the book in exchange for a honest review.