
DC Comics: The New 52 by Geoff Johns

nikshelby's review

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DC did a complete reboot of EVERYTHING. Now, when I heard they were doing this I admit I was not a happy fan. I'm already mentally and emotionally invested in long-running storylines. I was unhappy with the idea of an almost complete throw-out of all that comic-history that was going to be wiped away. A tiny part of my brain whispered to me: what if? What if its amazing? A lot of the different series have gone through so much in just the recent years - where could they take it...except to erase it? What if?

Then...I read one. then, another one. Another. Another. And I was blown away. I read every first issue of each of the new 52 different series. Even the obscure ones that I normally wouldn't have even glanced at. Every issue was well-written. Every issue left me with wanting to read more. Every issue jumped right into detailed captivating characters and circumstances. The tiny whisper in my brain became a shout. DC - you are amazing.

helpfulsnowman's review

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So I read this ENTIRE volume.

Let me first review it as an object:

This thing weighs almost eight pounds. That doesn't sound that heavy, but believe me, it makes reading on the dumper almost impossible. 8 pounds would be a large-ish baby. Imagine taking a baby, cracking it in half, then holding one half in each hand for a half hour. You'd get tired.

It was also so thick, it was unreadable at places because the crease was just so deep. Penis joke/vagina joke.

Okay, so now onto the comics. What I decided to to was Tweet reviews because that would keep them short. Even a mere 100 words on each would be...100...500...many, many words beyond the interest level of any human. So here, reproduced are all 52 Tweets. But before we get to that, I do want to say that the one disappointing thing to me was that this whole thing was about DC relaunching everything from #1. I thought, Finally, I can maybe understand what's going on in DC. But this isn't true. They did relaunch SOME books, but the Batman books and Green Lantern books, which were selling alright before the relaunch, were clearly in media res (Latin for, Impenetrable to Peter). That pissed me off just a bit. It doesn't show a lot of faith in the project of a relaunch to say, Let's relaunch ALL of our titles...except the few good ones. Also, I feel obligated to point out that the Bat books and GL books account for somewhere around 20% of the universe? Subtract books that take place in alternate time periods or that have no involvement with the larger universe, and it's a little bit of a pathetic total relaunch.

Okay, enough bitching. Now onto short-form bitching:

I feel like I suddenly know too much about catwoman's bra preferences #dc52

Justice league: a batman/greenlantern teamup feels like a teamup between a ninja version muhammad ali and merlin. #dc52

Justice league international: how is the worldwide version always inferior to the america version? #dc52

You know what I always hated about aquaman? He let's everyone give him shit for being a nobody even though HE'S aquaman #dc52

Why is wonder woman always taking time off from being a powerful, beautiful amazon to be a...powerful, beautiful amazon of business? #dc52

Flash actually seems to be going somewhere with this detective-y angle. Don't tell batman #dc52

At first I thought I wouldn't care about a hero with inexplicable science powers. I'd like to thank captain atom for confirming this #dc52

There's a white firestorm and a black one? How will they get along? I mean, the being engulfed in flames negates skin color, but still #dc52

I've yet to understand why Green Arrow gets gigs while Purple Two Handguns is still out of work #dc52

Hawkman is so self-involved. Not sure if that's a hawk thing or a man thing. But it's definitely an annoying thing #dc52

Mister terrific has the words Fair Play tattooed on his arms. Or maybe it's Play Fair. He might be a lefty. #dc52

I don't know what's going on with Deadman. Or why he's dressed like Freddy Mercury without hair, facial or head #dc52

Classic cop mistake in Action Comics: quit trying to use electric nets to trap superman. You gave it your best, it don't work, move on #dc52

Clark Kent and Larry David: same glasses #dc52

Why does every scientist make a clone and then completely 180 and want to kill it? Maybe wait a day, see what happens #superboy #dc52

The best thing about supergirl being fiction is we don't have to hear a million Behar jokes involving thigh comparison on the View #dc52

Batman was good. Although relaunched with three robins, one of whom is his son. When I "relaunch" at 41 my son will be in the dust #dc52

I guess I thought Detective Comics were about detectives, not FOR them #dc52

Single panel in Batwoman: werewolf, plane crash, octopus man choking a bald woman, and an insane lady shooting guns. Uh. #dc52

Dark Knight is the second of three Batman titles involving Bruce Wayne giving a speech at a fancy dinner event. What the fuck. #dc52

So in Batman and Robin there is a cadre of Batmen? Being dipped in acid? Is it too late to sign on for Batmen International? #dc52

How did Batgirl get unparalyzed? "Then a miracle happened." Phew. For a second I thought we were written into a corner. #dc52

Batwing stabbed in the chest? Fine. Not that I dislike AfricaBatman. I just hate the aesthetics of machine guns mounted in a truck bed #dc52

Can nightwing stop pining over the circus already? The food sucks and clowns only make balloon animals to trick children into fondles #dc52

Red Hood and the Outlaws: awesome band name. Nobody steal that. I stole it first. Hence the outlaw thing. #dc52

Green Lantern starts off pretty good. I mean, not really a reboot, but at least killing Ganthet means his ponytail also dies #dc52

If Green Lantern Corps poses that Guy Gardner can't even get a h.s. football coach job, what the hell is going to do with that haircut?#dc52

I'm glad GreenLanternNewGuardians has such a long name. It limits my ability to tweeticize it #dc52

Am I the lone soul who thinks an all-white Justice League Dark is a missed opportunity to embrace the current blaxploitation revival? #dc52

I liked Swamp Thing better when he was an action figure with extending arm powers as opposed to nightmare sequence powers #dc52

Animal Man and Jeff Lemire equals about time. And zombie kitties. #dc52

Frankenstein, a mummy, a vampire, a werewolf, and a fishwoman walk into a fight. And that's a comic book you can buy #dc52

Before I, Vampire I didn't see how badly I longed for Kris Kristofferson to explain all the vampire shit in that crusty way of his #dc52

Killing Resurrection Man is sort of like building a fort from couch cushions to thwart Couch Fort Pusher-Downer Man #dc52

At least Demon Knights had the grossest possessed baby ever #dc52

Haha, wait that's my...oh never mind #dc52

Should have been Birds of PrAy. Capture the jesus people that way. Or at least someone. #dc52

Red Lanterns: blood cat in space #dc52

Grifter blocking knives with an airline food tray teaches that full meals exist on planes and that the spilled food wouldn't burn flesh #dc52

How long can Deathstroke go before someone ends an issue by holding up a picture OF him, TO him and says, I need you to kill this man #dc52

Suicide Squad is like mission impossible 2: I know it's stupid, but not so stupid that I'm proud of how much I enjoyed it #dc52

Voodoo perpetuates bad stereotypes about strippers. Mainly that they are aliens who felt this was the best way to learn #dc52

The fact that OMAC stands for Office Management Amidst Chaos has blown 78 of my 92 emotions. Not all, but definitely most #dc52

Jonah hex is awesome, even if he's a stars n bars guy #dc52

Blackhawks has taught me something: in comics, redheads like guys with glasses. Peterparker/maryjane. Cyclops/jeangray. It goes on #dc52

After Men of War I'd like a chart of army ranks with a line across it. Above line, ranks we hate. Below, cigar chomping badasses. #dc52

Kid flash is always so irresponsible. Why can't he ever be fast AND diligent? #dc52

Did anyone inform Static Shock that there's already a black Spider-man type guy? We've been calling him Spider-Man. #dc52

Blue Beetle's battle cry of Khaji-Kai sounds a lot like Queen Latifah's character name from the 90's hit (in my home) Living Single #dc52

If I were in Legion, my power would be getting sick of Legion Lost almost immediately #dc52

Ah, shit. Legion not lost is almost as repulsive as Legion Lost #dc52

So Hawk & Dove are gods of war, and they are inseparable, and Dove is dating Deadman somehow? But mainly they punch? #dc52

earlapvaldez's review

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I wouldn't say that the decision to proceed with New 52 is as significant as Marvel NOW! (for there are a lot of characters that were written off and drastically changed after "Flashpoint." However, I think that most of these issues are promising, despite the fact that there will be DC fans, appreciating the post-Final Crisis storylines, would be disappointed. Among all of these, the best I think to follow are all the Batman issues and the new (?) Green Lantern and New Guardians series, including Red Lanterns.

tyrshand's review

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I give it a five not because all the stories are great (there are certainly a lot that didn't work for me) but because the book serves it's purpose very well -- it gave me a taste of all the new lines so I could decide which ones I actually wanted to try out.

emilyyjjean's review

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4 1/2 stars
Review of Total Book:
This is a really awesome book if you're looking for more DC comic series to pick up. Honestly that's why I started reading it, because I had already enjoyed Batman, Teen Titans, and Wonder Woman (just to name a few). Overall I found 26 series, consisting of ones I had already liked/read or ones that I'm going to definitely read in the future. I'd say that's pretty good out of the 52 that are in the book. I know that's exactly 50% and why'd I give it 4 1/2 stars? Those other 26 comics that I won't continue reading are just because of my personal preference on the separate comics and not the book as a whole. This book is just to introduce you to the other options out there, and I think it did a really great job of doing so.

Individual Comics:

Justice League #1 **** 1/2 Will definitely be reading more of the Justice League line! I'm intrigued about those weird aliens.

Justice League International #1 ** 1/2 Eh it was okay, I will not be reading more of the Justice League International. I don't really understand why they stuck Batman into the story, because they're supposed to be separate from the Justice League. But then again I know get people to read this series.

Aquaman #1 *** 1/2 Was pretty interesting, I feel bad for Aquaman now...I'm sure he's a really great superhero! I will be reading this, because I want to know if people actually start to accept him as a good superhero.

Wonder Woman #1 ***** I've already started to read Wonder Woman, and I'm in love! [link to review of Vol. 1: Blood]

The Flash #1 **** 1/2 This has also grabbed my attention. The Flash will be next on my list as well!

Captain Atom #1 ** 1/2 Was okay, wasn't great enough to make me want to read more though. I think it's just the obscure character.

The Fury of Firestorm #1 *** Kind of interesting, but not enough to make me want to read anymore.

Green Arrow #1 ** 1/2 Was okay, I've never really liked Green Arrow though, so that is why I won't be reading on.

The Savage Hawkman #1 *** This was pretty good, but I'm not really much into Hawkman so I won't be reading more. The aliens are interesting though, and I'd like to find out what is going on with the NTH metal.

Mister Terrific #1 ** 1/2 Meh, I don't think this comic is very terrific.

DC Universe Presents: Deadman #1 ** 1/2 It was okay, I've never really read much on Deadman/Boston Brand, and this didn't catch my attention enough to want to read more about him.

Action Comics #1 *** It was pretty cool to see Superman in more civilian clothes for his outfit. I'm guessing that this series is about when he first becomes a hero. I most likely will not be reading any more, just because I'm not a huge Superman fan.

Superman #1 **** Pretty good actually, I was surprised. But just like the comic before, I won't be reading on since I'm not all that interested in Superman.

Superboy #1 *** Superboy is pretty interesting, I wonder where the human part of his DNA came from? The only reason why I would read on is to find out that question, and the fact that he is connected to the Teen Titans.

Supergirl #1 **** Wow this seems really interesting! I really want to know what happened to Kara, and I will definitely be reading more of Supergirl.

Batman #1 ***** I've read all of the Batman series so far, just waiting for the 9th volume. This was really great! [link to review Vol. 1: Court of Owls]

Detective Comics #1 ***** Man! I am definitely going to read more of this series! I had no clue that this included the Joker, and that twist at the end! I knew it happened, but not how or in what comic.

Batwoman #1 *** Eh, not bad but I don't think it's great enough to keep reading. I just don't really like Batwoman's personality.

Batman: The Dark Knight #1 **** Very interested to read more! It seems really good and I love stuff that has to do with Arkham.

Batman and Robin #1 ***** I've read all of the Batman and Robin series, and I really enjoyed Damian! [link to review Vol. 1: Born to Kill]

Batgirl #1 ***** This was really great, and I'll have to read the other's by Gail Simone. I've read all of the current volumes of Cameron Stewart's Batgirl and loved those.

Batwing #1 ** 1/2 Was slightly interesting, but I'm not really interested in reading about Batwing. Plus I really didn't like the art style of this comic. It was off-putting to me.

Catwoman #1 **** Will probably read more of this, it seems really interesting. I'd like to see more of Batman and Catwoman's relationship too. It's great to see a character who is so muddled between a villain and a hero.

Nightwing #1 **** I definitely want to read more Nightwing! This was really great.

Birds of Prey #1 ***** I definitely want to read more of the Birds of Prey too! That really, really interested me. I want to know what happens!

Red Hood and the Outlaws #1 ***** I really want to read more Red Hood as well! But I will have to say that Starfire's character made me slightly uncomfortable, since she was so overly sexualized.

Green Lantern #1 **** I haven't really like Green Lantern before, but surprisingly this one has kind of got me interested in reading more. Maybe.

Green Lantern Corps #1 *** See, eh, not bad but I don't think it's great enough to keep reading.

Green Lantern: New Guardians #1 *** Hmm, I'm just interested in finding out why all those rings when missing...

Red Lanterns #1 *** Okay, I've got to read more because there is a Red Lantern cat! It's kind of cool seeing these "villains", I guess?

Justice League Dark #1 **** Will definitely be reading more of this! It's a really great concept!

Swamp Thing #1 *** Hmm, Swamp Thing seems pretty interesting too. I might have to read it!

Animal Man #1 ** 1/2 Didn't like the art style at all, it was very ugly to me. The story did not seem interesting, and his superpower is kind of lame. I will say I liked the kid's mullet though.

Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E. #1 **** A comic about Frankenstein and a bunch of other "monsters" fighting real monsters? Heck yes!

I, Vampire #1 ** 1/2 Kind of interesting, but I don't think I'll be reading more. I didn't particularly like the art style.

Resurrection Man #1 *** Interesting, but like the one before, I don't think I'll be reading more of this.

Demon Knights #1 *** Eh it's okay, just not completely sure if I would read more or not. The setting is kind of cool because it's medieval, but I think it's slightly strange for a DC Comic.

Stormwatch #1 * 1/2 Meh.

Grifter #1 * That was just really weird.

Voodoo #1 *** Hmm, this was pretty interesting, I didn't really predict the end, and I'm curious to see what happens next!

Deathstroke #1 **** Brutal! I'd like to read some more about Deathstroke, he's a really cool character.

Suicide Squad #1 ***** I liked the other Suicide Squad series, but this one seems just as good!

D.M.A.C. #1 * This is a big no. It was slightly weird, and not very interesting.

All-Star Western #1 *** This is a Jonah Hex comic. It was pretty good, and interesting to see Gotham back in the 1800s. I want to find out who is doing all of the murdering!

Blackhawks #1 ** 1/2 Mehhhhhhhhhhh.

Men of War #1 * DNF

Teen Titans #1 *** I've already read most of the Teen Titans, but in my opinion it was pretty good! [link to review Vol. 1:It's Our Right to Fight]

Static Shock #1 ** 1/2 This was okay, but not interesting enough to make me want to read more. So many obscure characters!

Hawk and Dove #1 *** It wasn't bad, it was kind of interesting. But not enough to convince me to read more. I think it's because of the characters, I don't really like them all that much.

Blue Beetle #1 *** I think I could read more of this, it was pretty interesting!

Legion Lost #1 * Meh.

Legion of Super-Heroes #1 * DNF

anthroxagorus's review against another edition

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Boy howdy, that was long. And good. But mostly long. Strap in for a long discussion about why DC's rebooting all over again.

Rebooting for DC was a great idea. I'm a fairly new reader, I was ecstatic about having a point to start on. The New 52 line-up promised to be innovative and "entry level friendly" and for the most part, the second level is delivered on. (Well, except Legion Lost #1 and Legion of Super-Heroes was way too messy to be friendly). The first, however, has already been commented on. While some titles do get cool, modern twists, and you see some sprinkling attempts of more racial diversity, innovation didn't exactly happen as far as representation goes. Of course, DC didn't promise to do any of that, which is precisely why it's readership for New 52 didn't change all that much, and DC's trying for another reboot this year: DC YOU, starting new titles (Black Canary and her punk girl image), reclaiming others at the #17, mostly at the #40 mark.

Why it failed is pretty obvious. 52 titles, and a whole lot of white men, some aliens, and barely-clothed women. (Is anyone surprised that surveys showed DC readership for New 52 was 92% male/8% female, but no data on racial diversity??). The one title that should have given its female readership anything should have been Wonder Woman, but I've already talked about how it totally sucked elsewhere. Catwoman will always be a sexualized character (and that's actually fine, because she's a sex-positive person), but when every single female superhero has large breasts and/or boob windows while her teammates get full body armor, there is a big issue at hand. And can someone please give me context to Voodoo #1 and how the only WOC (but actually alien? shape-shifter??) performs both a strip-tease and a lap-dance?? Should I even mention Starfire's sexdoll appearance in Red Hood and the Outlaws?

And, look, the reason why people have spoken out about all this is because it's so heart-breaking to see nearly every woman in the DCU either be a stock back-ground character or hyper-sexualized crazed fighter, when DC writes incredibly complex storylines otherwise. Does it have anything to do with not bringing on female writers? With all that said, Batgirl stands out the most as being a genuinely good written character, personally. Aquaman's Mera has also been promising from what I read.


Then you've got DC making such a big deal about making one of their Green Lanterns a LGBTQA+ representative/gay a few years back, but virtually no discussion happened regarding Alan Scott in this reboot. So much for that. And while Batwoman's been confirmed as bisexual since 2006, and Catwoman this year, the best I've seen happen with LGBTQA+ representation was making Batgirl's roommate trans* (which just barely qualifies as representing! And was almost immediately overturned after Gail Simone's run ended.) (Okay, and there's also a nod to "slash fiction" in Stormwatch #1, but I'm iffy whether that means what I think it does.) And remember, this reboot was supposed to bring the DCU into this century, so where is the gay community??

Now, let's talk about race. You've got Static Shock (a favorite), Mister Terrific (who da hell?), Cyborg (the star player!), Batwing (he's in Africa too!) We even had a character call out another for the underlying racism going on in The Fury of Firestorm (seriously, why haven't I heard more on this title?!). As far as black women are represented, I think you have Vixen from Justice League International and Voodoo from SexShow #1. For the latino/latina population Justice League International hosts Beatrix Bonilla de Costa/Fire and we've got the Blue Beetle with his own title. Annnd that's about it. Baring in mind of course that we're talking about 52 titles and hundreds of characters. I think there's some generally good things going on, but a whole lot more needs to happen here. (Dare I dream one day of meeting a black lesbian superhero?)

I say that representation is a large part of the reboot and talk so much on it, because the storytelling throughout New 52 is actually really, really good. I can't stress this enough. I seriously dropped this book to go out and find half of these titles at the library and read (so far) Justice League, Aquaman, and Batgirl. On my next trip, I'm going to fight everything to get my hands on Swamp Thing and all the Green Lantern and Batman-related titles. My savings are going to be depleted entirely. I almost want to give up my love for Marvel from how good these have been. (Almost). I mean, this line alone has me wanting to read Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E.: "Typical? We've only been a team for about ten minutes... Quit your whining and START KILLING!"

But being progressive and winning me over? DC, you've got a lot of work to do.

The 52 Titles:
Justice League, Justice League International, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Captain Atom, The Fury of Firestorm, Green Arrow, The Savage Hawkman, Mister Terrific, Deadman, Action Comics, Superman, Superboy, Supergirl, Batman, Detective Comics, Batwoman, Batman: The Dark Knight, Batman and Robin, Batgirl, Batwing, Catwoman, Nightwing, Birds of Prey, Red Hood and the Outlaws, Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, Green Lantern: New Guardians, Red Lanterns, Justice League Dark, Swamp Thing, Animal Man, Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E.; I, Vampire; Resurrection Man, Demon Knights, Stormwatch, Grifter, Voodoo, Deathstroke, Suicide Squad, O.M.A.C., All-Star Western, Blackhawks, Men of War, Teen Titans, Static Shock, Hawk and Dove, Blue Beetle, Legion Lost, Legion of Superheroes.

(Yes, I read them all.)