A review by nikshelby
DC Comics: The New 52 by Geoff Johns


DC did a complete reboot of EVERYTHING. Now, when I heard they were doing this I admit I was not a happy fan. I'm already mentally and emotionally invested in long-running storylines. I was unhappy with the idea of an almost complete throw-out of all that comic-history that was going to be wiped away. A tiny part of my brain whispered to me: what if? What if its amazing? A lot of the different series have gone through so much in just the recent years - where could they take it...except to erase it? What if?

Then...I read one. then, another one. Another. Another. And I was blown away. I read every first issue of each of the new 52 different series. Even the obscure ones that I normally wouldn't have even glanced at. Every issue was well-written. Every issue left me with wanting to read more. Every issue jumped right into detailed captivating characters and circumstances. The tiny whisper in my brain became a shout. DC - you are amazing.