
Alienated by Melissa Landers

chuskeyreads's review

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Honestly, I expected more from this book considering the high ratings, but I'm utterly disappointed. It took me five days to get about halfway-way through before I finally gave up and skimmed the rest.

The characters were shallow, especially the main character Cara. I felt no sympathy or much of anything for her because all she does is whine about her best friend and ex-boyfriend or obsess about how cute the alien boy is. I teach high school, and our AP students have much more depth and complexity.

The plot, slow and tedious, begins with Cara bragging about how awesome she is - so awesome in fact, that taking AP Calculus over the summer (not possible, BTW) has secured her spot as valedictorian on the first day of school. Whatever. The rest of the plot is just as pedestrian and predictable.

The two best parts of the book are 1. The cover, and 2. The lack of a love triangle (hallelujah!).

I really wanted to like this book.

wordsunbound's review against another edition

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I'd give this a 3.5-4 star. The book is very good and definitely a fast read, but there were moments that I felt that the characters needed a different reaction to something so they weren't all blurring together. However, I'm definitely going to read the next book.

abaugher's review against another edition

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gmamartha's review against another edition

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With the alliance between earth and L'eihr depending upon the valedictorian and a rebellious Aelyx, their own relationship develops. Including details on how each culture 'makes out' physically. This is obviously the beginning of a series when this exchange student arrangement goes against mob rule.

lacers526's review against another edition

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This was a cute YA alien story. I liked getting to know the difference between the L’eihrs and humans. As similar as they were physically, the society was more minimalistic and militaristic. The romance seemed both slow burn and abrupt.  I can’t really explain it. I was, overall, underwhelmed by the story and the writing. My review, however, may not be fair, as I’m not really a fan of YA anymore. I should be more careful with my choices. The audiobook narration was quite excellent, though, and held my attention. I’ll continue to the trilogy just to see what happens next.   

ambeesbookishpages's review against another edition

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The full review can be found at The Book Bratz

I remember enjoying Alienated a lot the first time I read it (which was like two weeks before I started blogging again) and I knew I would have to reread it again before Invaded came out. I didn't think it was possible to fall anymore in love with Aelyx, I guess I was wrong on that thought though because I love him even more the second time around.

Cara Sweeney had the rest of high school planned out, but being part of the L'eihr exchange program was never part of that. Now for the next eight months, Aelyx will shadow almost everything she does. Though Cara accepted the this fact and moved on, how town can't. With constant protests and several threats her home is no longer safe anymore. Cara turns to finds comfort in the last place possible: Aelyx.

Alientated is told from a dual point of view. I loved that we get to see the whole experience from Aelyx's eyes, he dreads having to go to Earth. He originally hates it. It is too bright. The taste of the food is too strong. There was nothing he liked. But slowly you get to see Aelyx begin to like Earth. (Maybe just a little bit. But its something!) Along with his appreciation of Earth Aelyx was slowly falling for Cara. The romance was done perfectly. It was slow and steady, not having that rushed feeling to it. Aelyx had those moments where he was like "I wander what it would be like to kiss her..." and then wonder why the hell that came from. Aelyx and Cara are incredibly adorable together though.

Even though my love for Aelyx is strong, I liked Cara a lot as a character. Maybe because she is human? The moment I began to like her was when she was at the banquet hall and had to take off her spanx. Cara is such a strong character, she lost her boyfriend and best friend in the matter of weeks and was shunned by everyone in the town. But instead of taking the easy way out and pulling out of the exchange she pushed through it instead. As much as I loved Aelyx I didn't trust him through a good portion of the book. But his love for Cara... that was beautiful.

Melissa's world building for L'eihr was amazing. Though the story doesn't take place on L'eihr it was described in a way of giving the reader the ability to easily picture it. I enjoyed learning about the culture, and scientific advancements that were made through out the years. I am excited to see more of L'eihr in Invaded.

Overall I really enjoyed Alienated. It was a quick read that is perfect for people who love intergalactic romances. Props for Melissa for not making the ending a cliff hanger, because though I only have to wait another few days until Invaded it would have been a long miserable two days.

renuked's review against another edition

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Initially I gave this book three and a half stars, but then I realized it was far too forgettable for even that rating. Nothing really happens for the first 75%. A hunky alien comes down to Earth, and is placed with a host family to learn about human culture. Duh, the host family has a beautiful, perfect girl, who promptly falls in love with said alien boy. Nothing happens. And then some stuff happens.

There isn't much to be said about the predictable nature of the romance - the real interesting stuff happens with the rest of the humans. While Cara is busy falling in love with the aliens, the rest of the people on planet Earth are turning into one giant anti-Alien mob. It's frightening, and honestly it's very easy to see. I wonder how we'll honestly react if we discover life one day. Perhaps exactly like this. It's a really terrifying prospect. And Cara also receives hate for being an alien lover. It puts her and the people she loves in danger. People turn into monsters when they are experiencing fear.

Other than that...? There isn't much. There's some conspiracy obviously. Strangely it's the alien kids who come to Earth that have the conspiracy...not the ruling alien government. So that was a little interesting. Their technology is okay. Not nearly awesome enough to make my jaw drop, but it was there.

It take places mostly on Earth, and it's centered on the romance for most of the book, so that's pretty boring. There's almost nothing to say on the early part. The end was probably one of the better parts. It's a great opening into the next book, and I am excited to see how both Cara and Aelyx cope. Overall, it's not a terrible story, but it isn't really an interesting one either.

purpleren331's review against another edition

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I really liked this book. It was fun and awkward, and an adventure the whole way through. I liked the drastic differences between the L'eihr and the Humans, it was really interesting to see how evolved the L'eihr are. And the ending? Man that was just go, go, go! Really good and I highly recommend if your looking for a fun flirty alien romance.

melissaverasreads's review

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I didn't like this book, it was full of clichés and the main character is really stupid. The writing style doesn't help, either: the author switch Point Of View without a warning whatsoever; It's really confusing, you're reading from Cara's POV and suddenly it's Aelyx's POV!! I ask my friends from my bookclub if their editions have this problem too, and yes! I don't understand, just a little "~" would have solve that problem.

Now I'll write in spanish because I want to fully express myself.

Este libro está lleno de clichés desde la primera página. Es increíble como la autora se la ingenió para hacer personajes tan planos. El cliché de por sí no es tan malo, porque si escribes una trama gastada pero con personajes interesantes y con profundidad, es probable que sea una buena historia. Pero este no fue el caso para nada.

Pasan cosas demasiado increíbles, cosas que ningún padre ni ninguna escuela permitiría. Que oye, está bien, métele fantasía al libro, incluye ciencia ficción, crea especies nuevas, go crazy!... pero joder, hazlo con cierta lógica. Hasta los mundos fantásticos tienen lógica, ¡y los mundos de ciencia ficción deberían regirse por leyes aún más estrictas!

Hay algo que agradezco en este libro: No hay triángulo amoroso ¡Aleluya! Al menos nos salvamos de eso.

Pero es que sucedió una cosa infinitamente peor:

Spoiler¡La protagonista es idiota! Y dirán, "pero Melissa, ¿por qué eres tan dura con la protagonista? ¿Qué fue lo que hizo? Vamos, que de seguro no fue tan malo...."

Pues les respondo, mis queridos (con spoilers porque ni modo):

Aliens: Nos vamos a llevar a todos los aliens de ese planeta tan hostil y violento, que asesinó a uno de nuestra especie. ¡Y no haremos ningún convenio con la Tierra!

Protagonista humana: ¡Oh, no! ¡Nunca te volveré a ver, llévame contigo a tu planeta!

Protagonista alien: ¿Estás segura? Si te llevo conmigo a mi planeta no podrás volver a la Tierra, ni ver a tu familia... ¡nunca más!

Protagonista humana: ¡No me importa, llévamos tres días juntos, no podemos desperdiciar el gran amor que nos tenemos después de durar tres días juntos, no me importa nada más!


I'm done

A mí me molesta sobremanera cuando dos personas se enamoran y abandonan absolutamente todo por estar con su pareja, muy especialmente cuando tienen poco tiempo (y en los libros, cuando pasa esto, usualmente poco tiempo es una o dos semanas... vamos, ridículo). Y en los libros de verdad lo llevan al extremo: dejan de hablar con sus amigos y familia totalmente, comienzan a fallar compromisos importantes de trabajo o escuela.

Pero señores... esto no es el extremo, esto es otro nivel totalmente. Que la niña esta no abandona a sus amigos y a su familia, ¡sino que abandona la jodida Tierra! SIN POSIBILIDAD DE VOLVER. Sus padres ni siquiera eran los típicos padres indeseables de las novelas Young Adult ni nada por el estilo.


Y sus padres la dejan irse con mínima pelea... totalmente contrario al caracter que mostraron en el transcurso del libro.

Y cuando ya la tonta está en el espacio, sin posibilidad de volver, se entera de que el Alien/amor de su vida/razón de su existencia, sembró una planta en el planeta que básicamente iba a matar a toda la població de la Tierra en un máximo de diez años. Ja, ¡sopresa! \o/

Y entonces nos encontramos con joyas parecidas a esta:

Protagonista humana: "¡Yo abandoné todo por ti y todo este tiempo haz intentado eliminar la humanidad!"

Uff, linda, cualquiera diría que uno tendría que conocer un poquito mejor a la persona por la que VAS A ABANDONAR EL PLANETA.

Pero vamos, tendría que ser un poco más considerada con la protagonista porque ¡¿quién hubiese podido llegar a esa conclusión?!


Nos encontramos también con este tipo de pensamiento:

Protagonista humana: "Quiero a mi mami"

Vamos, linda, ¿que abandonaste el planeta por tu novio de tres días y ahora te hace falta tu mamá?


laura_cs's review

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This out-of-this-world read was phenomenal! Although originally I wasn't sure if I was going to like Cara--the female lead--she proved to be funny, clever and very, very strong. Nothing was rushed, and I felt that the story ended way too soon. I can't wait to get my hands on Invaded and see what will come of Cara and Aelyx.

May the Force be with you, Melissa Landers, and also with those who decide to embark on this journey of inter-galactic proportions!