A review by chuskeyreads
Alienated by Melissa Landers


Honestly, I expected more from this book considering the high ratings, but I'm utterly disappointed. It took me five days to get about halfway-way through before I finally gave up and skimmed the rest.

The characters were shallow, especially the main character Cara. I felt no sympathy or much of anything for her because all she does is whine about her best friend and ex-boyfriend or obsess about how cute the alien boy is. I teach high school, and our AP students have much more depth and complexity.

The plot, slow and tedious, begins with Cara bragging about how awesome she is - so awesome in fact, that taking AP Calculus over the summer (not possible, BTW) has secured her spot as valedictorian on the first day of school. Whatever. The rest of the plot is just as pedestrian and predictable.

The two best parts of the book are 1. The cover, and 2. The lack of a love triangle (hallelujah!).

I really wanted to like this book.