
Islamism and Islam by Bassam Tibi

misspalah's review

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Islamism considers the superiority of Islam to be beyond question and takes it as a grounds for the claim to purity. Islamists are reluctant to acknowledge that Muslims today lag not only behind “Western Science” but also behind the earlier standards reached by their own civilization. A complacent sense of superiority and consequent reluctance to learn from the cultural other is a hazard for any civilization ; but it has reached new highs in the recent Islamist agenda of the cultural purification of knowledge. The need of a “knowledge society” is not on the Islamist agenda.
- Bassam Tibi, Islamism and Islam
First of all, kudos to the author. I was not fully prepared to immerse myself in this literary piece. I was doing “learn, unlearn and relearn” while reading this book. I figured this book will not be popular among muslim readers especially when it is being critical towards some of the prominent scholars in Islam like Sayyid Qutb, Hassan Al Banna, Yusuf Al Qaradawi just to name a few. The author even mentioned his severed friendship with Edward Said over the disagreement of his famous book ‘Orientalism’. The author dismantle the idea of looking fundamentalism and Islamism in 2 different lens. Instead, he asked us to compare them side by side and thats where you can draw a conclusion that no one should underestimate the impact of islamism. I would only recommend this book if you can approach this book in academic mode because trust me, people get triggered easily hence my advice. Of course i dont agree with all the points he made in this book. Ultimately, i drew the line on sub chapter of Islamism and Antisemitism when he discussed about Palestine (particularly on Hamas and Fatah ideology). However, i definitely agree that Muslims need to learn the distinction of Jews and Zionists (which unfortunately many failed to distinguish these 2 and ended up being labeled as anti semitic). Bassam Tibi also calling out the west for failing to recognize that Islamism is trend that cannot be undermined as most authors only simply acknowledge it as a minor movement or phenomenon.
One of my favorite chapters is Islamism and Democracy. Islamist stressed on the concept of God’s rule and point out that democracy is an imported solution and explicitly known as western approach but will still use democracy instrument to advance their agenda. The secular concept remains unpopular despite it is the best approach to curb islamism. I remembered one of my classmates asked me why i preferred secular state? I just answered that i dont want religion interference in the state affairs. As simple as that and nothing more. Over the years, I still am stand by my stance over a secular state. Sadly, recently i have seen the creeping of islamisation into my country lately has become a lot more stronger. Despite Malaysia constitution guarantee its secularity but over the years the attempt to nullify it is much more visible. Its not just a problem in Malaysia, it happened to Turkey too. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk managed to build a republic with a stronghold centre based on the secular principles. However, it has been weakened by the current administration and the islamism started to penetrate Turkey bit by bit.
Islamism and violence chapter highlighted the argument of conditional peace that faced by non muslims should they turned down the invitation to islam conversion. This
chapter further strengthen what i have felt so long especially reading about Jihad Wars that has been going on back then after the prophet’s death. Of course, i cannot voice it out because rather than debating about it, i will just be branded as ‘Liberal’ or ‘Kafir’ or ‘western brainwashed’. Another chapter that deserved a spotlight is Islamism and Totalitarianism, drawing a paradoxical comparison of Egypt and Turkey, yet islamist indoctrination have not changed. Majority believe that Islamists are the only political power eligible replace the corrupt authoritarianism.

hanis's review

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informative medium-paced


I love this book for introducing me to Islamism however the book does gets a bit messy a bit in the organization of its content. I'm so glad to learn and differentiate between Islamism and Islam, despite being a Muslim myself because I have experienced and seen with my own eyes the violation of human rights that I know deep in my soul that its wrong but it is justified through religion thus render me unable to question it because the lack of knowledge and information on what actually is wrong. Another thing that I noticed from this book is the tone of the author. I think there is anger, frustration and disappointment in his voice. I recommended this book to Muslims who is searching for definition of why that Islamist party in your government did something that is wrong but you couldn't find the right word to describe or define it, and to non-Muslims to differentiate Islamism and Islam in order to discourage from thinking that Islamism (and terrorism) is Islam when it is not.