A review by hanis
Islamism and Islam by Bassam Tibi

informative medium-paced


I love this book for introducing me to Islamism however the book does gets a bit messy a bit in the organization of its content. I'm so glad to learn and differentiate between Islamism and Islam, despite being a Muslim myself because I have experienced and seen with my own eyes the violation of human rights that I know deep in my soul that its wrong but it is justified through religion thus render me unable to question it because the lack of knowledge and information on what actually is wrong. Another thing that I noticed from this book is the tone of the author. I think there is anger, frustration and disappointment in his voice. I recommended this book to Muslims who is searching for definition of why that Islamist party in your government did something that is wrong but you couldn't find the right word to describe or define it, and to non-Muslims to differentiate Islamism and Islam in order to discourage from thinking that Islamism (and terrorism) is Islam when it is not.