
Infinite by Jodi Meadows

jennkei's review

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I kept waiting to be surprised...

brianne_k's review

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I loved that there was more to this book. More of a purpose. I loved that there was Dragons. There was briefly Centaurs. Talk of Trolls, and Rocs. Phoenix's come in to play. I'd have loved to know more about all of these creatures. because this world was fascinating.

I did enjoy this book, I like the ending. But, Sam and Ana got to be a little too much for me. I winced, or found myself skimming over them professing their love for each other yet again.

books4susie's review

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Finally finished. Too me longer than usual and I'm not sure why. The action for me really didn't pick up until the last third of the book . Glad for the ending that the residents of Heart got.

sdb27's review

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There are very few trilogies that I consider complete, and even fewer whose books get progressively better as the series goes on. Infinite by Jodi Meadows manages to accomplish these things with a stunning, fresh clarity that makes it one of the most enjoyable YA reads of its time. With resounding success, Jodi Meadows manages to bring her epic, fantastic series to a close, leaving readers satisfied with the outcome.

Infinite is a book that is just as beautiful as the cover which houses it. Meadows’ compelling prose comes in the form of our compelling heroine, Ana, who is a newsoul: someone who has not been reincarnated like all who previously came before her. Because of her unusual status, she is treated fearfully by many in the city of Heart as an outcast and a threat. However, the events of the last book revealed to Ana the terrible, frightening truth behind everyone’s reincarnations: they are reincarnated by a power-hungry man-turned-god, Janan, who feeds off the new souls in order to provide himself this immortality.

The premise of this series has always intrigued me, but in Meadow’s capable hands, a truly epic tale takes shape. Ana, as the first newsoul and the other newsouls’ only hope of being saved from Janan’s hunger, is banished from Heart; it is up to her and her few friends, as well as the man she loves, Sam, to find a way to stop Janan from completing his ritual and rising from incorporeality to assume an immortal physical form. The stakes are so high, and through Ana’s perspective we can really feel the urgency in what she needs to accomplish before it’s too late. I love the questions that were raised in this book in particular, especially regarding reincarnation and immortality, and the costs associated with them.

Infinite also finally expands beyond the walls of Heart into the vast lands of the unknown wilderness surrounding, full of the magical, mythical creatures of lore, such as dragons, phoenixes, and centaurs. Whereas in the previous books, most of the action took place inside Heart, a majority of this book took place in the wilderness, which was a great chance for Meadows to do some quality worldbuilding. We learn through Ana’s discoveries what kind of creatures and geography surrounds Heart, and a little bit of history is supplied as to how Heart’s inhabitants arrived there hundreds of years ago and from where Janan derived his powers. All potential questions are wrapped up quite neatly in this book, but also in answering these questions many more are raised. I hope that this means Meadows will return to this world that she has created, because I feel like there is quite a bit of potential story left.

The characters in this book felt like the weak point for me, to be honest. Aside from Ana, and on most (but not all!) occasions, Dossam, all the other characters seemed to only serve as background noise. I couldn’t care enough to be bothered if they lived or died because I simply didn’t get enough information about them. I don’t think Meadows described many of these secondary characters physically, or if she did, it was nondescript. At the very least, I would have liked to have pictured these characters mentally when Ana was interacting with them.

Come to think of it, aside from the occasional offhand hair color description, I don’t have any clue what Sam or Ana look like. That being said, that didn’t detract at all from the wonderfulness of Sam and Ana’s interactions. We see a lot more friction between these two in this book, which I honestly felt more compelling than when they got along. About time Sam showed some emotions other than levelheadedness! I loved the sweetness that they nurtured between them, but I also liked the hints at possessiveness and tension that underlay their interactions. I think you can write sexy without the sex, per se, and Meadows nailed it here.

Lastly, I want to profess my admiration for Ana as a character. I think that she is quite a sympathetic, compassionate character that I identified with and rooted for with unwavering loyalty throughout this series. Faced with insurmountable odds, Ana did what she thought was right, not what was easy. I love protagonists who go through the wringer because it shows their strength of character… Ana went through the wringer in this book, and she didn’t let me down as a strong heroine. And, I’m happy to say, she got the ending she deserved.

Infinite was an enjoyable read from start to finish, and turned out to be the strongest book of the trilogy. The main character was easy to identify and sympathize with, and even though I didn’t get a good picture of many of the secondary characters, the relationship between Ana and Dossam felt organic and heartfelt. I also greatly appreciated the expansion of the book’s world into the wilderness beyond the walls of Heart. There’s a lot of potential there, and I do hope that Jodi Meadows returns to it some day. I highly recommend this book and this series, because there really is nothing else like it.

eliathereader's review against another edition

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Sonu güzel olmasaydı benim için 2 puanlık bir kitaptı. Fantastik serileri okumaya başladığımda ilk karşıma çıkan kitaplar arasındaydı ruhsuz ve 2. kitabıyla birlikte pdf olarak okumuş ama hiç spn kitabını okuyamamıştım. Son bölümüne dek keşke okumasaydım da aklımda en duygusal serilerden biri olarak yer etmiş olsaydı diye düşündüm. Fazla basit bir kurgu ve hiç merak ettirici olmayan bir olay gidişatı var. Olan biten her şeyi tahmin edebiliyorsunuz ve baş karakter sevilmesi zor birisi. Yine de bir seriyi daha okumam 5 yılımı alsa da bitirmeyi başardım.

cathyatratedreads's review

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Solid 3.5 stars. Infinite pulls together all the threads that were spun out in the previous books and does mostly a good job of it. I felt that a couple of elements were kind of glossed over and not addressed fully as I had expected them to be, but mostly it was satisfying and interesting to see how everything came together. I enjoyed the series, and it was nice to read something that was pretty clean.

Read my full review, including a rating for content, at

violinknitter's review

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Such a great ending to the series. Meadows throws in more a than a few twists & turns with the magic and worldbuilding, and we get to see more of the same great characters we met in the first two books. Loved it.

yousrabushehri's review

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Yeah, this took me longer than normal and it was because it took me a while to get back into the beat of this book. The 100 or so pages weren't as awesome as the rest of the book. Once I got over the beginning of the novel, I couldn't put it down once I started reading. I would end up reading 50 or so pages in 20-30 minutes. It was awesome.

The pacing of the book was awesome. The characters were perfect. The development (both character and plot) was just on the dot. I can't really think about anything that I would change about the book
Spoiler except maybe that MUSIC ended up being the secret weapon, I felt that was very anti-climactic

And the ending WAS PERFECT! I loved it!

I don't really know what else to say. It was just a great ending to an awesome trilogy.

laughlinesandliterature's review

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Infinite was a good book, there were a few things that I didn’t like, but most of the book felt just as good as Asunder.

I did enjoy that Ana grew even more, she grew to be able to stand up to Stef, Sam, and everyone else. She realized that she was the one with power and she was going to fight. I liked that she was always reaching out to other creatures and trying to understand and get help.

I did enjoy the interactions with the sylph, dragons, and phoenix. It was cool and I liked that Ana appeared fearless even if she wasn’t. Her fear was not enough to stop her, and just sit back idly and let Soul Night happen. It was so brave of her, but I liked that she wasn’t unafraid, she just knew what needed to be done and so she went and did it.

It bothered me how things were with Sam in this book. After trying to make Ana feel like she was the center of his world, and that she was loved he basically pulls his support. I know that he didn’t think that’s what he was doing, but if I were in Ana’s shoes I would’ve felt the same way. It also bothered me how quickly she was able to accept his apology after his silent treatment for months. MONTHS. I just figured someone with over 5,000 years of reincarnations could act a little more mature. I can understand Ana’s reaction because this is her first life, but Sam’s was incredibly immature.

I also felt like there was too much crammed into the last 50 pages. I felt like it needed to be stretched out a little. It just moved to fast and I actually felt myself skimming because I just couldn’t believe all of the craziness that happened. The ending while satisfactory was also a little anti-climactic. I’m not sure what I expected, but after everyone sacrifices themselves and dies I just expected there to be a little more oomph with the ending.

It was a good finish, and all of the questions were answered. I would give the book 4 out of 5 stars just because of some of the things didn’t sit well with me.
*This review was first posted to Moonlight Gleam Reviews*

chapters_and_pages's review

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