A review by laughlinesandliterature
Infinite by Jodi Meadows


Infinite was a good book, there were a few things that I didn’t like, but most of the book felt just as good as Asunder.

I did enjoy that Ana grew even more, she grew to be able to stand up to Stef, Sam, and everyone else. She realized that she was the one with power and she was going to fight. I liked that she was always reaching out to other creatures and trying to understand and get help.

I did enjoy the interactions with the sylph, dragons, and phoenix. It was cool and I liked that Ana appeared fearless even if she wasn’t. Her fear was not enough to stop her, and just sit back idly and let Soul Night happen. It was so brave of her, but I liked that she wasn’t unafraid, she just knew what needed to be done and so she went and did it.

It bothered me how things were with Sam in this book. After trying to make Ana feel like she was the center of his world, and that she was loved he basically pulls his support. I know that he didn’t think that’s what he was doing, but if I were in Ana’s shoes I would’ve felt the same way. It also bothered me how quickly she was able to accept his apology after his silent treatment for months. MONTHS. I just figured someone with over 5,000 years of reincarnations could act a little more mature. I can understand Ana’s reaction because this is her first life, but Sam’s was incredibly immature.

I also felt like there was too much crammed into the last 50 pages. I felt like it needed to be stretched out a little. It just moved to fast and I actually felt myself skimming because I just couldn’t believe all of the craziness that happened. The ending while satisfactory was also a little anti-climactic. I’m not sure what I expected, but after everyone sacrifices themselves and dies I just expected there to be a little more oomph with the ending.

It was a good finish, and all of the questions were answered. I would give the book 4 out of 5 stars just because of some of the things didn’t sit well with me.
*This review was first posted to Moonlight Gleam Reviews http://moonlightgleam.com/2014/03/asunder-infinite-by-jodi-meadows.html*