
Louize en het Schoolspook by Chris Riddell

thereza's review against another edition

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loved the illustrations and the story!definitely want to read more about Ottoline đŸ–€

lucyblack's review against another edition

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I think these are meant for kids to read to themselves, they don't really work as read aloud books. We both still enjoyed the pictures but the story wasn't so great.

abigailbat's review against another edition

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When Ottoline meets and befriends the wealthy Cecily Forbes-Lawrence III, she decides that she should go away to boarding school just like Cecily does, so she and her cohort Mr. Munroe set off for the Alice B. Smith School for the Differently Gifted. Is it possible the school is actually haunted?

This is a quirky tale with lots of quirky illustrations and kids who are into the quirky will delight in it. Me? It's not really my thing.

jessalynn_librarian's review against another edition

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An excellent choice for readers just moving to chapter books, reluctant readers, or anyone looking for something quick and entertaining. Told through both text and pictures, this sequel to [b:Ottoline and the Yellow Cat|607513|Ottoline and the Yellow Cat|Chris Riddell||594026] has all the same charms - quirky characters and situations, pictures that form part of the story and beg to be examined in detail, and an excellent sense of the absurd. This one features a boarding school plot that pokes nice fun at the genre.

emaanovakovic's review against another edition

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Ovaj serijal me tako vraća u detinjstvo da je to prosto magično!

aelurus's review against another edition

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Un livre que j'ai achetĂ© Ă  ma cadette et que je n'ai pu m'empĂȘcher de feuilleter et de lire.
Il m'avait déjà beaucoup plu de par son aspect d'écriture peu conventionnel. Un roman découpé en chapitre mais avec des annotations, des bulles au dessus des personnages comme une BD, des annotations comme dans un journal intime.
Je ne sais comme classer ce livre qui n'est pas vraiment un roman car il mélange les genres.
Et en mĂȘme temps je trouve cela assez bien fait.
J'ai deux filles, l'aĂźnĂ© dĂ©vore des romans "jeune adulte" du haut de ces 11 ans (elle adore lire) et une cadette de 9 ans, qui elle va mettre presque 3 mois Ă  lire un roman de 200 pages. Mais je suis certaines que celui-ci elle va le dĂ©vorer car mĂȘme un enfant rĂ©ticent Ă  la lecture va y trouver son compte. Le mĂ©lange des styles va plaire Ă  un plus grand nombre et forcĂ©ment au public.
Une belle découverte qui donne envie de lire la suite et de replonger dans les aventures d'Apolline.

bookflower's review against another edition

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adventurous funny lighthearted mysterious relaxing fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? No


I will never be able to give this book a truly objective review, but I truly think it’s impossible to hate this series. This book is one of my childhood favorites from one of the best author/illustrators in my opinion. The storyline is as always adorable and the illustrations showstopping! 

raine1998's review against another edition

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This was just so fun

strawberryf4iry's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging lighthearted mysterious fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? No


blakeney_clark's review against another edition

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adventurous funny lighthearted fast-paced
  • Loveable characters? Yes
