
The Last Echo by Kimberly Derting

breezy610's review

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This was a pretty good third book. I like jay but I think violet would be better with Rafe. Hopefully there is another book because I really like violet and co.

iceangel32's review

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Wholly Crap...can I say that here? But I got to admit that is exactly what came out of my mouth when I finished this book. I can not wait for the next one. I really can't.
SpoilerNot one but two people after her. The imprint (I know it is a spoiler but I still don't want to give too much away) Jay...Rafe...The end. I am speechless.

ambeesbookishpages's review

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review to cone

renuked's review

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I love this series like a chocaholic loves chocolate. That’s a terrible comparison, but it’s true. The suspense and the romance put together make it absolutely impossible to put down.

The Plot:

In this book (it’s the third in the series) Violet has begun working with Sara Priest’s team to help find killers with her gruesome ability. She finds dead bodies by a pull towards and a certain sensory feeling around them (a sound, smell, taste, etc.) These are what she calls echoes, and an identical imprint is left on the killer of the person (this is how she can track the killer, not just the bodies). Then comes our serial killer, the Girlfriend Collector who is absolutely beyond disturbing and he has got Violet in his sights. Of course we have Jay (the best part of the whole series haha) and Rafe, who Violet can’t but help feel a slight attraction towards (not okay).

The Characters:

Violet: The main character obviously has a fascinating and frightening ability to find the dead, but I think she has handled it well. Well, usually. She is brave and intelligent, qualities she is forced to use time and time again to get out of dangerous situations. I sometimes wish (like we all do) that characters don’t insist on keeping secrets from adults and people that could help . She makes me feel frustrated sometimes, but it’s okay because it is impossible not to root for her against impossible odds. She is awesome.

Jay: *Ahem*, where the heck do I start with this boy? He is caring, thoughtful, selfless, and so, so, so sexy. Really, the parts of the book that included him and Violet gave me shivers (of happiness, not the shivers you get from the creeper). He really is so perfect, always concerned about Violet, frustrated that he can’t help her, and so trusting. I almost wanted him to get up and punch Rafe across the face (he didn’t), but it’s okay. I still wish we had more of him in this book though, too much Rafe.

Rafe: Eh, I am sure some out there like him, but I will always be a die-hard Jay fan. Rafe saves Violet’s life a bunch of times, turns out he loves her (like we didn’t see that one coming), and you know, he has an ability like Violet’s. He is shrouded in mysteries and secrets which drives me nuts (why does he have to be so dang secretive?), but he’s a good guy, also willing to do anything for Violet.

The Collector: Umm can anyone say creepy? Like wow, is this guy messed up. The little snippets we get into his head just made me want to cower or soothe him (how crazy is that?) But he needs to be stopped no matter what and Violet is just the person to do it.

Sara Priest: Also very secretive (hint, hint), helps Violet find her place on the team. She’s a pretty kick-butt lady.

Vi’s friends and the Team: I love all of them. They are so funny and good supporting characters. I want more!

The Romance:

Oh my god. How can I get this point across? THE ROMANCE IS SMOULDERING. It’s undeniably awesome. The first two books are all her and Jay (which I loved, especially the first), while this one has some Rafe thrown I there (I am not ashamed to admit I don’t like him at all ). Anyway, the moments between Jay and Violet, and just how perfect they are together is amazing. This is one of those love triangles I know exactly who needs to win. I wish there was a Jay in real life. I would marry him (again not ashamed).

The Style:

Next to last, the style is amazing. Whenever she dunks us into the Collector’s head you feel completely there. And very, very scared. It’s so suspenseful and at times I almost fell off my chair (or I would have if I was sitting on one). It’s is (I repeat) impossible to put down and if you don’t want your day to flash by you or you have important things to do, wait to read it because you will forget everything.


One of my favorite series ever, and I wish I could recommend it to everyone. Unfortunately, I know a lot of wussies who refuse to read it because it’s scary. So yeah, don’t read it if your bladder scares easily. But all in all, one of my favorite books and series’ ever. If you want to know why, see above review.

e_l24's review

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It is one of the most amazing books I've ever read. I really love Jay-Violet couple . They are perfect for each other but Rafe is great in his way too, so i think he deserves someone that loves him.

redentrapy's review

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This was my favorite book in this series so far. It so many twists and turns and great characters. Violet stopped whining for the most and has started to grow up but she still manages to get herself into a ridiculous amount of trouble. My favorite part of this series is the storylines and morbid creepiness and the power that Violet has is awesome.

Violet starts working with Sara's crime fighting psychic team. She finally feels like she's doing something good with her powers. She feels more accepted and less like a freak. The only thing is she wishes she could help victims before they died instead of after like the others and nothing hits home with that more than a new case their working on with a stalker killer called the collector. On top of all of this is Rafe. She knows she has a weird connection with him and with Jay starting to feel jealous and left out its not a good time for it. The rest of the team starts telling her that Rafe has started to act different and open up a little since she got there only confusinf her more. (UGH I usually hate love triangles but this one was done subtly and was not the main point of the story so I actually enjoyed this one). Violet get into harms way and her loved ones as well as herself are starting to question if staying on the team is good for her.

I love the atmosphere of these books. They are creepy and morbid and fascinating from page one. I also loved that Violet has matured a little. She's stronger and more sure of her gift and now that she has others that understand her power she's not afraid to ask for help when needed. She wishes she could find the girls before they die and so she starts investigating and ends up getting into trouble that she might not survive. I love that Derting has those little teaser chapters from the killers POV. It makes the scenes with the killer all the more real and gives him a face and makes him so much more than just a faceless killer. They make the book more intense. To see into the mind of the killer and meet the victims before they even know they're victims.

I loved Sara's team in this book. We get to see how it all started and new and interesting powers from each of them. Krystal was awesome she is so exuberant and I just loved her personality. (Reminded me of my best friend through the whole book). And Rafe god I loved Rafe. He wormed his way into my heart even though I don't like love triangles still I'm hoping that they just stay friends. Jay is very understanding in this book about her working for the team and very open about being jealous of Rafe but giving her space to be his friend anyways he's so sweet and honestly him and Violet are perfect for each other.

Can't wait to read the next one!!!

books4susie's review

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SPOILER ALERT!: If you haven’t read the first two book s in the series, The Body Finder and Desires of the Dead, Stop! I don’t want to ruin this series for you.

“In the end, all that’s left is an echo.”

Life has dramatically changed since Violet Ambrose began working with Sara Priest and her team of others like herself with psychic abilities. Between high school and spending time with her boyfriend Jay, she is now using her ability to locate bodies that have met with violent ends. For the first time, she doesn’t feel like a freak and now sees that she could truly do something productive with her ability. Even though her teammates’ abilities are still a mystery to her, Violet feels as if she has found a place to fit in. The only problem is Rafe. Violet feels a connection to him but is confused and a bit disturbed by her feelings, especially when the others say he is a different person around her. It doesn’t help matters when Rafe begins to cause some conflict in her relationship with Jay Heaton.

When the team begins working on the case of a serial murderer that has been dubbed “the collector” because of the way he cares for his victims, Violet feels that maybe she could use her ability to stop him before he strikes again. What she fails to realize is that “the collector” has set his sights on her.

Will Violet be able to stop “the collector” before she is his next victim? Who exactly is the mysterious Rafe? What is his psychic ability? Will Violet and Jay be able to salvage their relationship?

Violet’s story will conclude with book four in 2013. In the short story anthology Enthralled: Paranormal Diversions edited by Melissa Marr, Ms. Derting has included a short story that provides readers with a tiny peek into Rafe’s background that is touched upon in this book.

cburgbennett's review

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Creepy AF

michalice's review

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The Last Echo picks up two months after Desires of the Dead, Violet is working with Sara and Rafe, helping them find bodies as part of a small team while still attending school.
As I reach the third book in the series it starts to hit home how difficult it must be for Violet just to live everyday, seeing the imprints left behind on other people, even if its just an accidental road kill, it can't be easy and it really show how tough she is.
We are also introduced to more new faces, members of the same team as Violet who also have their own abilities. Sam has the ability of Psychometry, Rafe has the ability of Precognition, Krystal is a Medium, and Gemma is an Empath.

As The Last Echo progress we learn more about this small group and why they act the way they do and what background they come from. Each story was interesting and each individual comes from different backgrounds. Violet has a few close calls in The Last Echo, and each time I thought 'this is it, it all ends now' but then it turns out to be something different and once again I am on edge waiting for it to all fall down. One thing that I am really liking is how Violet is finding clues by good old investigative skills and not her body finding gift. Finding all the little pieces and trying to connect all the dots requires a lot of work but Violet isn't one to quit and carries on not matter what happens.
One person who I have come to dislike is Dr Lee, and I have suspicions that my feelings will not improve in the next book.

The ending of The Last Echo had me feeling very nervous, knowing that there was another book after this made me feel better with Violets chances of survival, but still had me wondering how she would survive. So far this has to be my favourite book out of them all, but it also points out how much I would not like to have her ability.

timeliss's review

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The author's writing has definitely improved since her last two books in the series. I liked this one a lot more and although I liked the cliffhanger it ended on, it didn't seem like the words fit the character. It did however leave me excited for the next and final book in the series.