
Boomerang by Noelle August

erincataldi's review

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I was pleasantly surprised by this book, not because it blew me out of the water, but because it seemed to have heart, something that isn't generally present in new adult romance. It was very reminiscent of Stephanie Perkins young adult romance novels, adorable, quirky, and fun. Plus lots of feel good vibes.

The story opens with two young twenty somethings as they wake up naked in bed, hungover and confused. Realizing that they must have one hell of a night, they sheepishly put on their clothes and head their separate ways. Little do they realize that they are also both of the new interns hired at Boomerang, an online dating company. What are the odds that they would both see each other again, and this time as competitors, not as lovers! There are two internships but only one job opening available afterwards. They have to put their sexual chemistry aside and play ball to see who wants the job most. It's cute, funny, and an enjoyably easy read.

thepaperreels's review against another edition

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Not amazing but it really made me laugh. A lot. And the guys POV is impressive.

bluebeereads's review against another edition

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3.5 stars

Really enjoyed this one! It was lighter than other New Adult books and also less steamy. I enjoyed it because of that! It was nice for a change. I think this is a good book for people who want to start reading New Adult, coming from Young Adult contemporary.

But while I enjoyed it, I didn't connect to the characters as much as I would've liked and the romance was a bit meh for me because of that. I will read the next book in the series though.

maggiemaggio's review

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3.5 stars

A new adult book co-written by Veronica Rossi? Seriously what could be better? After reading it I think there are better things, but I also think this is only of the most technically sound NA books I've read and I believe we have Ms. Rossi to thank for that. Is it bad if I start with the bad? Which is ironic because I loved the start of this book, like five-star loved, but as the book went on I just kept losing steam with it and while I came away liking it, I didn't come away terribly impressed.

Basically Mia and Ethan have a one-night stand, wake up at Ethan's place the next morning not really remembering what happened, and then end up both going to the first day of the same internship where they're competing against each other for a job at the end of the summer. Ethan is a former soccer star at UCLA but after an ACL injury his career was sidelined and he's trying to figure out what he wants to do next. He's broke and in desperate need of the job at Boomerang to pay off his student loans and go to law school. Mia is going to be a college senior who dreams of being a filmmaker. Boomerang, the company they're both interning for, is an online dating site, but the parent company is a media company and Mia believes a job with Boomerang would be a good starting off point for her future film career. Mia and Ethan really like each other, but Boomerang has a strict no-dating-coworkers policy and, since they're both hoping it get a job at the end of the internship, they decide to play by the rules.

Here's the first part of the book that really confused me. Mia still has to finish her senior year of why does she want a job in the fall? Will she work full-time and go to school full-time? Drop out of school? Graduate early? It was never addressed and I found it really odd. (Although maybe that's because I read an ARC and it will be fixed in the final book.)

There were also two subplots that I just didn't understand or care about. The first was Mia and Ethan trying to figure out what happened the night they hooked up. I didn't even realize it mattered to either of them that much right away, but as the book goes on it constantly got referred to and when the memories come back to them it's a pivotal moment in the book. Maybe it's just me, but I don't get that. So you got drunk and hooked up with someone and your memory is kind of fuzzy, happens to the best of us, right? In the end both of you turn out to be cool, normal, disease-free people so really, what's the big deal about figuring out all the details?

Second, is how Mia and Ethan's previous relationships are handled. Both of them had somewhat traumatic relationships before they met each other, but again, I didn't realize what a big deal they would be to the story. Ethan's made more sense because he broke up with Alison more recently and it eventually plays a larger part in the story. But there were moments, like when Ethan ends up in a Chinese restaurant and all the sudden the smell reminds him of the night he and Alison broke up, that kind of came out of no where and I kept feeling like I missed something earlier in the story. Mia's previously relationship was even more baffling. It was kind of mentioned a few times, just as a normal thing, but then all the sudden Ethan was asking Mia's mom about it and it was this big thing. Basically the way the way some of the background of the story is presented just didn't make sense.

The background thing is strange though because much of Mia and Ethan's background was handled so well. I came away feeling like I really knew Ethan and Mia as people. Ethan basically grew up in his parents' bowling alley in Colorado, it was where he learned to play soccer, and his love of soccer, family, and the kids he coached in a local league, really shined through. I felt the same way about Mia. Her family, her mother is a famous artist, was eccentric, but interesting and fun. I didn't love Mia's roommates, they both have big personalities and I didn't think we saw or knew enough about either of them for them to figure so prominently in a few scenes, but that was the only minor blip in Mia's background.

The truth is that if you write a new adult book that's well written and not riddled with ridiculously dramatic plot points I probably will like it. And that's the case here. When it comes down to it Mia and Ethan are great because they're real characters. They're not perfect characters, Ethan tends to say things without thinking and Mia needs to assert herself more, but they're still real. Ethan is dealing with being able to support himself after college, something a lot of people struggle with, and Mia is trying to find her own way in life outside of her famous mother's shadow. Both of them were real people with real, realistic problems, not the caricatures I so often come across in NA and that was refreshing to see.

Bottom Line: I didn't love Boomerang  as much as I wanted to, but I still enjoyed it. I wish some of the story had been refined a little and focused a little more sharply, but I still enjoyed Mia and Ethan as characters and the writing is extremely sound. If you're looking for a fun new adult read for this summer definitely consider giving Boomerang a shot.

I received a copy of this ARC from a Goodreads contest, thank you!

This review first appeared on my blog.

agrutle's review

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"On the single most important day of my life, I wake with the thought: Oh crap, where are my panties?"

That's the first line of this book and in that instant I was hooked. Mia wakes up and immediately knows that she's not in her own bed, the thing is she doesn't know where she is. All she can see when she turns around are broad shoulders. Nothing from last night is coming to her at all. No name and definitely not what happened here last night. Frantically searching for any of her clothes, she realizes shes late for her new job, well internship. What a way to start this new opportunity. While searching the guy that was sleeping in the bed with her wakes up and hops in the shower. She can't even remember his name but he remembers hers.

Ethan wakes up grabs a shower. He's running late too, but the naked girl, Mia that was in his bed not too long ago is looking for her panties. He is sure something happened but he can't remember last night either. After much searching he finds her panties in the toaster oven. They share a cab and end up at the same place, in the same building, and in the same office. A internship he was told was for one ends up being both of them. Oh yeah he's still into her but the big boss lays down the heavy with a no fraternization policy.

This book kept me on my toes. I was laughing and couldn't read through it fast enough. I loved Nana and Mia's mom and dad. All of the characters had enough force to be memorable but not so much that they pushed out the main characters. I can't wait to read the next book in the series. I hear it's Adam and Allison's story. Check this book out, you won't regret it!!

jessicatamm92's review

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3.5 stars
This book was super fun and light. I read it in two sittings and recommend it for those of you that just want to pick up a light book about two young adults that have the hots for each other. lol

This book started out really great. I liked how the beginning reminded me of the beginning of Grey's Anatomy a bit, and within just the first few chapters I really thought that this was going to be a very fun, lighthearted book that I'd really enjoy. But honestly, it was a bit of a let down.

It's not that this book was bad at all. It was set up really well and I think it had some really great characters. It just kinda fell flat for me. The ending felt a bit rushed to me and I just feel like it could have been done a lot better.

We learned a lot about Mia's love for film, and we heard a lot about a piece she was putting together starring her grandmother. Yet, I feel like that never really amounted to anything. The main obstacle that our character's faced through out this book, turned out to be not very much of an obstacle at all by the end.

Maybe I let myself just hear too much hype about this new adult book, and it's my own fault for having high expectations. But I don't think that's it. In my opinion, the book itself, got me really excited about it in the beginning...because it started out so good... then just to let me down.

Again, I think that a lot of other people would really like this! It's super light and fun!

diaryofthebookdragon's review

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Completely disappointed with Boomerang. It was not sexy or funny, only boring. I'm so sad, especially since I heard great things about it. :(

blakehalsey's review

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Super fun and cute. I laughed out loud several times--great voice and perfect for a light, romantic read.

nakedsushi's review

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Nope. Even though I was in the mood for some light reading, this was not doing it for me. It's like watching an episode of some awful CW teen drama, minus the drama.

donttakemybooks's review

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Better then average romance, but didn't blow me away. Had a few romance genre cliches that bugged me- every last person is going to find love, people making money is ridiculous careers, a silly and arbitrary obstacle to the relationship. But I liked Mia and Ethan and thought they were very vivid characters. Definitely cute and fun book!