A review by jessicatamm92
Boomerang by Noelle August


3.5 stars
This book was super fun and light. I read it in two sittings and recommend it for those of you that just want to pick up a light book about two young adults that have the hots for each other. lol

This book started out really great. I liked how the beginning reminded me of the beginning of Grey's Anatomy a bit, and within just the first few chapters I really thought that this was going to be a very fun, lighthearted book that I'd really enjoy. But honestly, it was a bit of a let down.

It's not that this book was bad at all. It was set up really well and I think it had some really great characters. It just kinda fell flat for me. The ending felt a bit rushed to me and I just feel like it could have been done a lot better.

We learned a lot about Mia's love for film, and we heard a lot about a piece she was putting together starring her grandmother. Yet, I feel like that never really amounted to anything. The main obstacle that our character's faced through out this book, turned out to be not very much of an obstacle at all by the end.

Maybe I let myself just hear too much hype about this new adult book, and it's my own fault for having high expectations. But I don't think that's it. In my opinion, the book itself, got me really excited about it in the beginning...because it started out so good... then just to let me down.

Again, I think that a lot of other people would really like this! It's super light and fun!