scifiandscary's reviews
19 reviews

Folklorn by Angela Mi Young Hur

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Teaser:  There was something so compelling about the prose that, even when the plot itself wasn’t necessarily the most riveting, I found myself constantly thinking about it and itching to get back to it when I wasn’t reading. 

Disclaimer: We received a copy of this book from Netgalley for review consideration.
The Searching Dead by Ramsey Campbell

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Teaser: It’s that coming of age element that I enjoyed the most. This blend of nostalgic reminiscence and horror seems pretty popular, with notable entries from the pens of Stephen King and Robert McCammon over in the USA. It’s pleasing to see a British entry in the sub-genre, especially one as well executed as this. 

Disclaimer: We received a copy of this book for review consideration.
Doors of Sleep by Tim Pratt

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Teaser:  Pratt manages to build an interesting set of characters that move throughout the book, despite the handicap of starting with one man changing universes when he sleeps. 

Lost in the Never Woods by Aiden Thomas

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Teaser:  I get that we kind of want a bit of a love-story between Peter and Wendy but I found it a little uncomfortable rather than shipping them from the get go. 

Disclaimer: We received a copy of the audiobook from for review consideration.
Eidolon Avenue: The Second Feast by Jonathan Winn

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Teaser:  The stories, as mentioned above, should have worked as short, sharp icepicks of horror but the meandering style just didn’t gel with that. 

Disclaimer: We received a copy of this book for review consideration.
Those Who Disappeared by Kevin Wignall

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Teaser:  Those Who Disappeared is what I’d call a quiet story. There are no car or foot chases that get the protagonist’s adrenaline pumping. This is a story about unraveling truths and poking and prodding until you get the answers you need. 
The Lodge by Chris Coppel

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Teaser:  "The Lodge is a wild thriller with fun kills and a bonkers villain."- Lilyn

Disclaimer: We received a copy of this book for review consideration.
Erupt by Lou Cadle

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Teaser:  "After reading Outland (again) and discovering that the next book in the series still wasn’t out, I went in search of another volcano-oriented disaster thriller to scratch that particular itch, and discovered Erupt." - Lilyn 

Disclaimer: We received a copy of this book for review consideration
Dustborn by Erin Bowman

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Teaser:  "It’s almost tragic for people to know the genre before reading, because this reads very much like a dystopian fantasy or post-apocalyptic story of survival." - Eliza

Disclaimer: We received a copy of this book for review consideration
Rattlesnake Rodeo by Nick Kolakowski

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Teaser:  One of the best things about this book is the break-neck speed. Kolakowski blasts the reader through various situations. At times a little daunting, this speed adds to the sense of urgency and adds real tension to the plot. 

Disclaimer: We received a copy of this book from the author for review consideration.