reading_under_covers's reviews
1302 reviews

The Nature of Disappearing by Kimi Cunningham Grant

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Emlyn doesn’t think about her past or the friend and ex who turned her life upside down. But while working as a fishing and hunting guide, she finds out that that friend from the past, Janessa has gotten lost in the wilderness, and it isn’t until her ex, Tyler shows up, that Emlyn’s ready to face her past head-on.

I was really excited for this book after absolutely loving THESE SILENT WOODS, but this one missed the mark a little.

THE NATURE OF DISAPPEARING by Kimi Cunningham Grant is an exploration of the wilderness around us and within us. It tackles messy relationships and the bravery it takes to put yourself first.

I loved the nature, hiking, and camping elements of this - literally just want to be bug-bitten in the woods right now - and even the mystery itself kept me wanting to push forward.

I wasn’t the biggest fan of the past timeline story in this and felt that the reveal behind the missing Janessa was a letdown.

Thanks to NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press, and Minotaur Books for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Publication Date: June 18
The Murder After the Night Before by Katy Brent

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Molly Monroe wakes up after a wild night with a killer hangover, a strange man in her bed, and news that she’s gone viral in one of the worst ways possible. To make matters even worse, Molly soon discovers that her roommate Posey is dead and Molly must try and remember the night before to figure out what happened.

THE MURDER AFTER THE NIGHT BEFORE by Katy Brent was definitely a quick listen (and the narration was really well done!)

It started off really strong for me and the story was intriguing, but it soon became muddled and Molly never became someone I truly wanted to root for.

The investigation into Posey’s death was also a bit absurd and messy.

This might be my last read from Brent as I wasn’t much of a fan of her debut either!

Thanks to and Harper Collins for an ALC in exchange for an honest review!

Publication Date: June 11

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Jackpot Summer by Elyssa Friedland

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Thanks to Berkley for the free ARC!

I enjoyed so many elements in this book - the family dynamics when grieving, the Long Beach Island coastal vibes, and how one’s life can change with a powerball win, but I found myself annoyed with the characters more often than not.

I think this will be a fun read for a lot of people this summer, but it didn’t fully hit the mark for me!

Publication Date: June 11 
The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton

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An interesting read where fog is the spookiest thing in existence, but ultimately lacking a lot of the thrill and spook I was hoping for.

This is my first read by Turton, so I can’t say how it compares to his other work, but I think this will be enjoyed by many a speculative fiction fan!

Highly recommend going the audiobook route on this one as the narrator was fun to listen to!
Under the Palms by Kaira Rouda

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I somehow started this one without realizing it's part of a series - though I can confirm that it works as a standalone (while spoiling the first one).

I loved the drama in this one! Messy rich people are one of my favorite things and I ate this up. The impending wildfires also added a nice suspense to the already tense plot!
Funny Story by Emily Henry

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This was cute! Daphne being a librarian was the best, and Miles was such a great counter to her.

No surprise that Emily Henry has hit it out of the park again. 
That's Not My Name by Megan Lally

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What a great debut. The suspense was top-tier and the alternating POVs contributed so much to that nail-biting feeling!

I did not expect to be sobbing at the end, but alas, here we are. 

Very much looking forward to Lally’s next book!
The Partner Plot by Kristina Forest

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There’s something about the way that Kristina Forest writes a romance that I can’t help but eat that shit up!

The romance was cute and I enjoyed seeing Violet and Xavier both adapting in their careers. I do wish we got more Lily and Iris in this one - the balance didn’t feel quite the same as in The Neighbor Favor, but that could just be because Violet’s lifestyle is so on the go!

I can’t wait for The Love Lyric!
Murder on Sex Island by Jo Firestone

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This is definitely one of those books that works best on audio and if you’re already a fan of Jo’s work (imo)!

She brought fun energy and comedic timing to the audio recording that did a huge service to the story.