msrcreation's reviews
473 reviews

Classmates Vol. 3: Sotsu gyo sei (Spring) by Asumiko Nakamura

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I read 3 of these volumes pretty much back to back so these reviews will be the same for all three. I adore this couple. They’re so cute and have such a wonderful relationship that I had a wonderful time watching grow. A series that is funny and entertaining. I will say my least favorite part of this series is that horrible teacher. Pedophilia is treated so normally with him and other teachers. I’m glad one of the main characters calls him on it but it never really goes any further in fixing it except calling him a pedophile. I would hate every page he showed up on. I would get so invested in the main couples relationship I would even forget he was there and it was like a jump scare whenever he would show up. After hearing what the next volume is about I’m going to stop the series at volume 3 since it feels like a good wrap up for their story.
Classmates Vol. 2: Sotsu gyo sei (Winter) by Asumiko Nakamura

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I read 3 of these volumes pretty much back to back so these reviews will be the same for all three. I adore this couple. They’re so cute and have such a wonderful relationship that I had a wonderful time watching grow. A series that is funny and entertaining. I will say my least favorite part of this series is that horrible teacher. Pedophilia is treated so normally with him and other teachers. I’m glad one of the main characters calls him on it but it never really goes any further in fixing it except calling him a pedophile. I would hate every page he showed up on. I would get so invested in the main couples relationship I would even forget he was there and it was like a jump scare whenever he would show up. After hearing what the next volume is about I’m going to stop the series at volume 3 since it feels like a good wrap up for their story.
Classmates Vol. 1: Dou kyu sei by Asumiko Nakamura

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I read 3 of these volumes pretty much back to back so these reviews will be the same for all three. I adore this couple. They’re so cute and have such a wonderful relationship that I had a wonderful time watching grow. A series that is funny and entertaining. I will say my least favorite part of this series is that horrible teacher. Pedophilia is treated so normally with him and other teachers. I’m glad one of the main characters calls him on it but it never really goes any further in fixing it except calling him a pedophile. I would hate every page he showed up on. I would get so invested in the main couples relationship I would even forget he was there and it was like a jump scare whenever he would show up. After hearing what the next volume is about I’m going to stop the series at volume 3 since it feels like a good wrap up for their story.
My Androgynous Boyfriend, Vol. 02 by Tamekou

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Any scenes of their relationship are my favorite parts of this series. They are so sweet and supportive of each other. I adore their relationship. But other than that I feel like I lose interest in the other parts of the story. It ends up being a slow read until their cute couple moments. Maybe one day I'll check out this series again and continue with the next volume but for now I think I'm going to set it to the side.
My Androgynous Boyfriend, Vol. 01 by Tamekou

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This was cute time. Their relationship is really sweet. The art style is beautiful. I'm curious enough to check out the next volume for sure.
Your Dad Will Do by Katee Robert

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 I started reading this series a bit out of order. Not that it really matters as they are all standalones but I did enjoy Gifting Me to His Best Friend a bit more. That being said I was surprised how much I enjoyed this one. As always Katee Robert knows how to write a hot sex scene and this is absolutely full of them. I was a bit worried in the beginning that that would be the only part I enjoyed because it took me a while to really like the characters. But once I did I was fully invested in their relationship and loved them as a couple. Fun read. 
Inu Yasha, Volume 1 by Rumiko Takahashi

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 I started reading Ranma 1/2 a while back and have been loving it. So I knew I should give Inuyasha a try since it's the series from this author I hear the most about. It was a great time. Same fun humor though I wasn't expecting the creepiness of the demons and I loved it. Didn't love it quite as much as Ranma but I could see easily continuing this series to see what happens next and how the relationship builds between Inuyasha and Kagome. 
Winter's Orbit by Everina Maxwell

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 I was a bit iffy on if I wanted to pick this one up and I'm honestly not sure why. But now that I've read it I wish I would've listened to my instincts. Nothing about this really worked for me. The couple had some cute moments but they were few and far between. The plot just did not hold my interest and felt all over the place. The relationship was super slow which wouldn't be an issue except then they were instantly in love and together. There was no real moments of them talking and learning to like each other and growing the relationship. Parts of the plot and felt through in without real thought behind it. By the end I just wanted to be finished reading this book. 
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Vol. 1: BFF by Brandon Montclare, Amy Reeder

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 Firstly, the big positive of this volume. The art is amazing. I love how fun and vibrant it is. Unfortunately the plot and characters kind of fell flat. I just found myself losing interest so fast. I also was expecting more of the dinosaur but he disappears and then has a couple small moments to add action and that was it. This was a pretty big disappointment unfortunately. 
Komi Can't Communicate, Vol. 1 by Tomohito Oda

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 I had heard this was a good series but didn't know too much about it outside of it touching on mental health. It is a slow start and because of how short the chapters are can be a bit too fast at first. But once the main two characters meet it becomes brilliant and I loved every second. Not only does this have really heartwarming and real moments with these characters but it also is laugh out loud funny and has a fun time with every scenario Komi goes through. As someone that grew up and still has pretty bad social anxiety it is easy to relate to Komi and feel for her. I love watching her friends list build and each of them help her in their own way. Absolutely love the two perspectives we sometimes see of how Komi sees a situation versus how the world sees Komi during these moments. Fantastic start to a series I can't wait to continue.