kimu23's reviews
732 reviews

Midnight Scandals by Courtney Milan, Carolyn Jewel, Sherry Thomas

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  • Carolyn Jewel
1 star, DNF
How do you even made an affair romance boring… Her writing style definitely helps with that so I’ll probably never check out her other books.

  • Courtney Milan
3 stars
I love her writings as always (very easy to read, her characters are easy to love etc) but the romance itself is pretty mediocre. The short length of the story could be the cause, but also Courtney Milan (even though I like her writing style) is a hit or miss for me.

  • Sherry Thomas
2.5 stars
Sherry Thomas is also the same with ‘hit or miss’. I thought this could be a hit because both leads are a widow. I almost always like widowed characters in histrom because they are not very naive and usually older. Unfortunately, two things made me not enjoyed this.
1) I just dislike the trope ‘character A has the exact same face as character B who is an ex’ in romance. 
2) The characters are tied to Sherry Thomas’s series. I don’t enjoy ensemble cast in romance. 
Most Ardently: A Pride & Prejudice Remix by Gabe Cole Novoa

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  • Diverse cast of characters? It's complicated


Sorry but… I don’t think Pride and Prejudice works if both Darcy and Elizabeth are males, not even if one of them was a trans men.

Every critical reviews are already talking about it but Oliver’s way of viewing woman annoyed me. It feels as if he has no empathy for the treatment of woman in 1800s patriarchal society, as long as HE wasn’t treated as a woman. 

‘Oh, you’re a lesbian who needs to be married and financially dependent to a man? I could never debase myself like that. I could never live like a woman’

NOBODY want to live like that. Do you think just because woman are used to live that way, that means it’s more okay?? Of course, he is a man and he shouldn’t live as a woman but the way he thinks of every female characters here is annoying.

Other than that, this retelling stripped everything that made Pride & Prejudice special. 
Heaven Official's Blessing: Tian Guan Ci Fu (Novel) Vol. 8 by 墨香铜臭, Mo Xiang Tong Xiu

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Unpopular opinion :

The extras should have been about other characters. 

It should have been about Shi Qingxuan, Ling Wen, He Xuan, Yushi Huang, etc….. literally any characters other than Xie Lian and Hua Cheng!!!

No offense but I have hundreds of chapters and 8 volumes full of HuaLian. I love them but the extras should have explored more of the side characters.

Ling Wen got redeemed way too fast and I don’t even know what’s her story. What about Shi Qingxuan and He Xuan? Are they forever estranged now? Yushi Huang is so interesting (and I also ship her with Pei Ming tbh) but she barely got anything!

There are so much to tell about the side characters but no… let’s read more about HuaLian fucking. Like, I don’t care! I know they’re going to fuck. This series is about to end but I didn’t even got any contents for my favorite character (Shi Qingxuan)???

Also ENOUGH of ‘Xie Lian didn’t know whether to laugh or cry’. 

Anyway, I started this fully expecting Xie Lian to be my favorite character and HuaLian to be my favorite romance. But now that it ends, I can say that I’m honestly more interested in other potential couples (Shi Qingxuan x He Xuan, Pei Ming x Yushi Huang etc) and Shi Qingxuan ends up being my real favorite.

I always love ‘kind characters who actively choose to be kind all the time’ so I was expecting to love Xie Lian but for some reason, Xie Lian isn’t like that to me. I like him when I read this series but I think I’ll be able to move on pretty easily. Instead it was Shi Qingxuan (also a kind character actively choosing to be kind) who became my favorite. It was Shi Qingxuan that made me search more fanfics and it was Shi Qingxuan that made me read posts in Twitter and Tumblr. I would even go far as to said that Black Water Arc is the best and most well written arc in this series. I was also pretty obsessed with beefleaf for a while.

I like this series and I do think MXTX is a good writer. At the same time, I think MXTX writing style is much more suited to visual media, for example an animation/donghua. It’s the reason I think the donghua adaptation is better than the novel. Overall, despite somethings didn’t meet my expectations, I still enjoyed this series.
Someone You Can Build a Nest In by John Wiswell

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  • Diverse cast of characters? It's complicated


Now THIS is a monster romance. Every authors who want to write a monster romance should take notes.

I enjoyed it more toward the end, as the plot got faster pace and more actions. The epilogue is cute. Honestly, I like it and don’t have much problem with it