jenpinbowling's reviews
360 reviews

All The Young Dudes - Volume One: Years 1 - 4 by MsKingBean89

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The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley

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this was a really interesting character study of the dangers of nepotism and uncontrollable men but i felt that the last 50 pages let it down. it didn’t need to be a thriller, it was more enjoyable when i forgot it was supposed to be one. but i’ll be honest - that bloody plot twist got me even if i quickly surmised what had occurred.
Thrift Your Life: Cost-of-Living Hustles to Waste Less, Save More and Live Well by Heidi Ondrak

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for a copy of the book for review 💗

Having never come across Heidi Ondrak’s online content I didn’t really have any particular expectations for this book, but even with no experience of Ondrak’s personality it comes through in spades in this book. The book is filled with money saving tips that are useful to those just starting out on their frugality journey and tips that are great reminders to those more experienced. While it’s not reinventing the wheel by any means, the information is helpful and explained in such a clear way that it will certainly help alter people’s habits.
The Best Way to Bury Your Husband by Alexia Casale

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance digital copy of The Best Way to Bury Your Husband for review 💗

The Best Way to Bury Your Husband features four women in a suburban town who all seek to take action against their abusive husbands during the “unprecedented times” of the pandemic. The first, and main woman we meet is Sally, who didn’t mean to bash her husbands head in with a skillet (honest!) just prior to her husband’s death, and stay with her in the weeks following as she grows into herself again and comes into contact with other women living under similar circumstances.

Despite its tough subject this book has surprisingly numerous funny moments. I didn’t think I’d enjoy this as much as I did - or rather, I thought it would be a much more humourless book than it was. The subject of this book being domestic abuse and the rise of violence against women seen during the pandemic is so incredibly important to learn about for everyone, and Alexia Casale uses this heartwarming and funny story to discuss a complex issue that is all too often swept under the rug.
The Christmas Bookshop by Jenny Colgan

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romance + books = auto 5 star i don’t make the rules