hopeloveslit's reviews
250 reviews

Not My Baby by Anya Mora

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I wouldn't call this novel a thriller. A mystery? For sure! The plot wasn't working for me and the writing was lackluster. Overall, I wouldn't recommend it! 

Thank you to Libro.Fm for the audiobook. 
Home Is Where the Bodies Are by Jeneva Rose

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I didn’t love Home Is Where the Bodies Are but it was entertaining! The plot twist was okay. I was expecting so much more. I felt super let down! All in all, it’s a wild family drama and that’s always fun.

Thank you to Libro.fm for the alc!
The Black Tulip by Alexandre Dumas

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I read The Count of Monte Cristo a few months ago. After I finished, I declared Dumas a literary genius. With high expectations, I set a goal to read all his works. 

The Black Tulip is similar to The Count in plot. It follows the wrongly imprisoned Cornelius Van Baerle and his dedication to growing a black tulip. 

In the beginning, I liked what I was reading. I was sure I'd devour this short novel. However, it took me twenty-four days to finish this book. I had to force myself to pick it up. I waited patiently for the "I'm hooked" moment, but it never arrived. 

Although this novel wasn't great, it's not bad either. I enjoyed the themes and Dumas's prose. Would I recommend it? I've been tossing this question around in my head for the last hour. I would, but only if you're familiar with Dumas. I strongly suggest reading another book if it's your first Dumas!
The Black Unicorn: Poems by Audre Lorde

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"I am broken
into clefts of screaming
that sound like the drilling flickers
in treacherous morning air
on murderous sidewalks
I am bent
wiping up blood
that should be

The Black Unicorn is one of my favorite collections by Audre Lorde. It’s brilliant, powerful, and brutally honest. There are a few themes throughout the collection. I enjoyed the poems about love, rage, and injustice.

Some pieces such as ’Power’ were tough to get through because it was inspired by true events. Although it was a challenge, I can’t appreciate it enough. I highly recommend this book if you like poetry or are looking for a new poet to explore!
Complete Short Fiction by Oscar Wilde

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Complete Short Fiction is a collection of Oscar Wilde’s children’s stories, crime fiction, ghost stories, and poems. Wilde’s wit shines so bright in his short fiction works. This collection reminded me why Wilde is one of my favorite writers of all time.

The Happy Prince and Other Tales (1888)

The Happy Prince is an important story that sheds light on poverty during the Victorian era. It’s a gentle reminder to help those in need. The act of giving can be more fulfilling than any material luxury.

The Nightingale and The Rose is a cute tale about love, faith, and sacrifice.

The Selfish Giant is a story about the importance of friendship and generosity.

The Devoted Friend broke my heart!! There’s no way children used to read this story before bed. Wilde tore my heart in two with a few pages.

The Remarkable Rocket is one of my favorite stories in this section. Wilde warns readers about the dangers of a massively inflated ego. It’s cute and witty, stories like this remind me why I love Oscar Wilde.


The Portrait of Mr. W.H. (1889)

I enjoyed The Portrait of Mr. W.H. very much! Wilde explores themes of obsession and the power of art. Honestly, there’s nothing more I can ask for.

A House of Pomegranates (1891)

The Young King has one of the strongest morals in this collection. This story explores how the rich exploit the poor for their own desires. Need I say more?

The Birthday of the Infanta is a fun story about a spoiled princess. It wasn’t my favorite, but I enjoyed the themes.

The Fisherman and His Soul is a tale about love, temptation, and morality among other themes. Wilde packed many messages within this short story, which speaks to his talent.


Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime and Other Stories (1891)

Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime….. I don't know how I feel about this story. I wasn’t crazy about it, that’s for sure.

The Sphinx Without a Secret is about mystery, love, and obsession. Wilde crafted this story so well. I can’t say much without spoilers, but this tale is so so fun!

The Canterville Ghost is a satirical parody story that mocks the gothic/horror fiction genre. We follow an American family that moves into the haunted residence of an Englishman. Who better to tell this tale than the witty Oscar Wilde? I loved every second of this tale!

The Model Millionaire highlights a well-known and important life lesson; Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Wilde explores the importance of generosity and its balance with wealth. This story is about a few pages long, and I wanted more!


Poems in Prose (1894)

I expected to love this section, but I didn’t. It’s my least favorite of them all. The prose is good, but the themes weren’t for me.