ghosthermione's reviews
300 reviews

House Of Glass: Chipped by Rojana Krait

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Would have liked to know before I started reading that this wasnt a full story but only the beginning of one.
The Sea Around Us by Rachel Carson

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Fascinating to read. Some of the knowledge of the time, specifically around the formation of the moon, plate tectonics and the (absence of) the concept of pangaea, is absolutely outdated. And at the same time it gives a good idea of the knowledge of the time from the formation of the seas up to current scientific experiments and early offshore oil drilling. Which is interesting in the context of Silent Spring, written a decade later.
Cinder Ella by S.T. Lynn

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Absolutely loved it!
Damn You, Butch Charming by Genta Sebastian

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Quite enjoyable, although the fake southern accent was, well, painfully obviously fake at times.  Still really enjoyed this freebie
Death at Whitechapel by Robin Paige

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 7%.
I enjoyed the other books but Rudyard Kipling was already pushing my limit. Now, I have about zero interest in reading about Winston Churchill and his parentage...
Blades of the Old Empire by Anna Kashina

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 5%.
I could not focus on it. It may be me rather than the book but regardless, DNF
Refusing Compulsory Sexuality: A Black Asexual Lens on Our Sex-Obsessed Culture by Sherronda J. Brown

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I read this back in 2022 as an ARC. I had big plans to review it, as it absolutely blew my mind and I highlighted about 500 sentences that were either impactful or resonated with me. 
And then i put so much pressure on myself about doing the book justice that I ended up never writing that review. 
The gyst of it is, this book should be compulsory reading. Especially for anyone interested in sexuality, race, gender, and the intersection of the three. It felt like it was articulating things I somehow knew but hadn't quite been able to put words to. And then went deeper than that into aspects I'd not even begun to consider. 

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The Princess Bride by William Goldman

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 19%.
Quite bigoted in a way i did not expect. Feat. fatphobia and misogyny, mainly, and a bad case of "I hate my wife" and "i despise my fat son" that bleeds into the actual narrative when it turns out that all women are good for is being pretty (no really. you catch a bit of leprosy and you have no more value).
Silk & Steel: A Queer Speculative Adventure Anthology by Claire Bartlett, Elizabeth Davis, Jennifer Mace, Alison Tam, Django Wexler, Cara Patterson, Chris Wolfgang, Ellen Kushner, K.A. Doore, Neon Yang, Aliette de Bodard, Ann Leblanc, Yoon Ha Lee, S.K. Terentiev, Freya Marske

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I usually find it hard to rate short story collections, as they're often a mixed bag. Not so with this one! I absolutely loved every single story and wished I could spend more time with their characters. Each deserves a whole novel. There are authors here whose work I already enjoy - Aliette  De Bodard, Yoon Ha Lee, Claire Bartlett or Ellen Kushner to name but a few - and some I will definitely look out for in the future!