foosreadsandwrites's reviews
280 reviews

Phèdre: Édition Bilingue by Jean Racine

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Super short - and interesting to hear a less popular Greek myth. Once in the swing of the verse, I found it an easy read. So - not bad!
Candide by Voltaire

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Read the first chapter and the last chapter, and you will have read more than you needed to read to understand the point he makes -- pessimism and optimism are both wrong (but pessimism is more right than optimism), and we should only apply ourselves to our "garden," or our work, to be at peace, if not happy.

But really, don't read either chapter I suggested, because the book is crude and ultimately a Debbie Downer.
Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament: Introducing the Conceptual World of the Hebrew Bible by John H. Walton

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Though the organizational structure of the book can make it a little bit of a tedious read, there was a lot of fascinating information, full of mythological history and import. So I liked it.
The Stranger by Albert Camus

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Good writing, disturbing story, and I'm still not sure of the point of the thing. Probably something along the lines of "you'll get used to anything over time," and that anyone is capable of horrible things given the right circumstances, or maybe that all things aren't that horrible and life is meaningless? It was a well written nothing...or something beyond my grasp.