astukes_close's reviews
298 reviews

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

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This was an enjoyable read- especially as someone that is going through a separation myself. It is funny because the way the book is written (in three sections- Italy, India and Indonesia)- I was completly disnterested in her recollection of her time in India (the middle part of the bok)- which is I think the basis of why she wrote the book in the first place(spiritual balance). I would recommend this book to a friend but I think that only people that have had some type of disfunctional relationship could really relate to a lot of her commentary throughout the book. I would actually be interested to see if she writes a follow-up book, as to where she is in her life now.
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

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This was actually a fun book to read- though definitely not on the same level as the Harry Potter craze. I found that the action and plot was enough to keep me interested and I didn't put it down until I was done. I don't think I will be one of those readers that takes this book too seriously but I am excited to see what happens next to Bella and Edward.
- This series is totally for young adults but I would recommend it as a fast read.
New Moon by Stephenie Meyer

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Another quick read - It was exciting to get introduced to new characters and see how the bonds of love shared by Bella and Edward have affected other people in their town. I would recommend this series to people that just want a quick escape from heavier reading content. Well written plot and fast paced adventure
The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals by Michael Pollan

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This book was not what I expected (in a good way). I was originally under the impression that it would be written more as fiction (i.e. the author documenting his journey in a comical way) but was suprised how much research and thought actually went into writing this piece of work. After reading Omnivore's Dilemma, I actually challenged myself to become vegetarian (one month goal) and will hopefully be more concious of the food I eat and where it comes from.
Helen of Troy by Margaret George

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AWESOME book. I love how Margaret George writes all her biographies of historical figures.
Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

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probably the best written book of the series.
When You Are Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris

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David Sedaris is definitley one of my favorite modern writers. His essays make me realize how "normal" my family I don't think this was his funniest work to-date but I would still recommend it to anyone that likes his writing style (Though I would have cut the last chapter from his book entirely)
Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris

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This was the first book by David that I read and it is still my favorite in his whole collection. Definitley a MUST READ for everyone that just wants to laugh out loud.