alysonalyza's reviews
743 reviews

I'll Have What He's Having by Adib Khorram

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 This one absolutely blew me away. First I loved that both characters were older, it's just always a great change of pace when characters aren't young all the time. Second, I love how this book approached sex. Consent was a big factor and it was written so well, so other authors really have no excuse. Also that sex can be silly and awkward sometimes and you can still make the best of it. This was just so refreshing, made 100x better by the fact that it was queer (I don't know that I would have been as invested if they weren't). 
The Worst Duke in London by Amalie Howard

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 I already had high hopes for this because it's Amalie Howard and then reading the synopsis knowing it was a 10 Things I Hate About You I was fully invested. But my expectations were exceeded. I am truly obsessed with this book and I don't know when I'm going to find another book that makes me feel like I did after reading this one. I was obsessed with the characters and I loved that there was a virgin hero. What a great time. 
Jasmine Is Haunted by Mark Oshiro

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Was this book kind of cheesy? Yes. Was it still very cute and beautifully written? Also yes. I love middle grade fantasies so much.
One Good Earl Deserves a Lover by Sarah MacLean

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Loved the premise (bc sex lessons is such a good trope), but the couple took so long to get together that I just stopped caring.
The Duke Heist by Erica Ridley

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I can't believe I DNFed this book so many times! Now that I'm finally through it, I am in love with Chloe Wynchester. I thought she was kind of just there in the other books (which ironically was her biggest worry in this one), so it's weird that she lost all personality in the other books. But wow, I can't believe there's only one more book left!!!
Hot Earl Summer by Erica Ridley

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Okay, I have it on record that Tommy Wynchester is the love of my life, but I'm pretty sure Elizabeth is now tied with Tommy as my fav. I'm truly obsessed with her, from her being at kill mode at any time to her absolute thirst for Stephen, I was just obsessed. As someone who also has chronic pain (though not to the same degree as Elizabeth), this book really spoke to me and I was absolutely bawling at some parts. I knew that I was going to love this one going into it, but I didn't have any idea how much this book would mean to me. 
A Banh Mi for Two by Trinity Nguyen

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Caution: Do not read while hungry!!!

This one was really cute, it reminded me a lot of Adiba Jaigirdar's writing -- really saccharine sweet. I loved that it normalized living in Sài Gòn like most YA books normalize living in small town USA or New York City. I also liked that it introduced us to Vietnamese history, because like the novel suggests, we don't get that kind of history taught to us in school. It did lose me by the end because I truly did not understand Lan and Vivi's fight at all, it just felt like a 3rd act breakup just to have one.