A review by abigcoffeedragon
The Road to Light by C.K. Rieke


This is meant to be honest, and not hurtful.
Prologue - like most fantasy novels, un-necessary. It starts with action, but it also begins the book 999 years before the rest of the novel.

PART I - This is the section that shows the main character in his life before anything happens. And nothing happens. Well, one thing, but it is so innocuous that you do not realize it is anything major at first.

PART II - Main Character in the big city. Makes friends easily and gets a job easily too. What happens at the end of this section? You are in trouble because we know something about you that you do not know, even though we only met a short time ago. Not Believable.

PART III - Here, I think that the action is going to ramp up. It does not. It turns into Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, only from a slave's point of view. Light action here though. And Star Wars like Force-Magic.

PART IV - This does have action to move things along, but this also has a ton of, "As you know" dialog to explain things about the word and the magic. I rolled my eyes more than once.

PART V - A quest to save a relatively unknown character because, magic. That is the only reason.

The 'Love Story' in this is not one and it feels creepy when it even attempts to bond. The friendships are not believable. The Main Character is on an adventure just because and his parents let him go and say good luck. What is that? He is not an orphan, he has a family, so this is a different type of fantasy story. I think not.

The author is a very nice guy, and the writing is not horrible, but the story just has more holes than a colander. And while the main conflict, I guess, is resolved, it still has the feeling that the book does not have a strong enough ending on its own.