A review by geekwayne
Willow: Wonderland by Jeff Parker


When magic disappears from our world, Willow goes in search of it in others. She teams up with a creature named Marrak, who is misshapen by dark magic.

Willow fears what dark magic can do to her, so she fights it, but she may need to call on it to return home. On the planet are all kinds of creatures, including a sort of raven creature that carries dreams. If you get hit by one, you are immediately in that dream world. Willow also runs into a bunch of fellow witches, all strange and beautiful.

Willow Wonderland has a title that I found a little misleading. It may refer to Alice in Wonderland, and there is a referential character in a small part of the book, but the rest of the book takes place on a barren planet full of some strange monsters.

Willow was one of my favorite Buffy characters, and to see her in these Season 9 issues with power and some confidence is nice. The pencils and inks by Ching and Gorder are good and there is a sketchbook at the back that goes through the creative process.