A review by gabbysreading
Birthday Suit by Lauren Blakely


5+ stars!!
Lauren Blakely has outdone herself! Birthday Suit may be my new favorite Blakely book. A laugh out loud, friends-to-lovers, masterpiece with an added emotional forbidden element, I absolutely loved it! There's an ease to Lauren's words. She makes it feel so effortless. She sucks you in with her fantastically witty banter, outstanding character chemistry, and smile inducing plot lines. I swear, Lauren should teach a class on how to perfect banter. This book is everything I love about rom coms!

Leo and Lulu are a dream couple. Their riddles and easy rapport made my heart so happy. From their very first interaction, I knew I was already completely in love with them. I mean, of course. How do you not fall head-over-heels for a Blakely hero? Especially when he is as smart, sexy, and swoony as Leo. *Sigh Leo. I heart him so much. He's so fiercely loyal and selfless even to the point where he had to step aside from his own happiness.

And Lulu. She is just as wonderful as Leo. She is this smart, sassy, colorful woman with big chocolatey dreams. Dreams that she had to put aside because of her previous relationship. Now, that she is on her way to accomplishing everything she wanted, she's afraid that a new relationship will cause her to lose herself and her dreams again.

There was something about this book that felt different than a typical LB book. The forbidden "bro code" element took me by surprise. It was a little more emotional and deeper than I expected. I love that Lauren went there. So many can relate to both Leo and Lulu and the effects succumbing to addiction. It was just so well written.

I cannot recommend this book enough. Scavenger hunts, chocolates and epic kisses, this book was all kinds of decadent and delicious. Go get this book immediately.

ETA: I went back and listened to the audiobook and it was amazing. I'm not an audiobook fan but even I could not pass this one up. It was soo good. An audiobook game changer.