A review by adw7984
Cold Light by Jenn Ashworth


I don’t know how to write about this book, and it frustrates me. I’ll start here: I was so excited to see that Jenn Ashworth had a new book coming out. I loved A Kind of Intimacy, and I was so eager for this new book. The cover looked amazing, and the description sounded dark and twisted - just like her previous book. However, as I began to read I soon realized that this one would be a little difficult to get in to.

This book starts out slowly, and the read has no idea what is going on at first. Also, the timeline is so wonky. Seriously, I had no idea what was happening and when it was happening. Perhaps chapter titles might have made this more clear.

The main story line revolves around two questions: 1.) What happened to Wilson? 2.) What happened to Chloe? Through a series of flashbacks, flash forwards and general random time jumping, Lola tells the story of a fateful Boxing Day night and how the events of that night affected those around them.

Then at the end of the book, a dark little twist popped out of nowhere. I can’t even say what happened, but my mouth just dropped and I thought “now that is f***ed up*…page 325-326 for reference. Finally, that dark twist made me appreciate the rest of the story. Also, Jenn Ashworth is really a fan of the dark,twisted lady character, is she not?

Overall, this book was very well written and very dark. It started out a little slow for me, but once I could kind of figure out the time jumps, I really enjoyed it!

*This book was provided for review on Confessions of a Bookaholic. All thoughts and opinions are my own.