A review by nightshade_novels
The Wicked and the Damned by Joshua Reynolds, David Annandale, Phil Kelly


The Beast in the Trenches - Once again Reynolds does a brilliant job at world-building. He builds up a really good atmosphere without relying on lengthy descriptions. I did struggle with the start of this story as it follows Commissar Valemar, who is very strict in his role, and I just kept comparing him unfavourably to Commissar Cain. But soon enough the intrigue builds and you want to find out what is actually going on. This story shows how the mind can twist any action into the right one when it is done as part of your duty.

The Woman in the Walls - Despite initially finding the main character, Vendersen, unlikable, I was soon routing for her to survive, despite being certain she wouldn't. I enjoyed this story, it is a spooky, tense mystery, but with a fair few gruesome descriptions.

The Faith and the Flesh - I found this story genuinely creepy, I loved it! There's something about being trapped on a spacecraft with no escape, and no real hope of rescue, that gets to me. Marrikus makes some divisive decisions, but as he keeps pointing out, would anyone actually chose differently or any better in his position?

Silence - All three of the characters come together on Silence and recount their stories to try and work out why they have been sent to this death planet.
Spoiler As soon as it was mentioned that the three of them were stood next to some bodies under sheets, I guessed that those were their bodies and that maybe they hadn't survived their experiences after all. Despite knowing this I was still routing for Vendersen and Marrikus through their stories. It was interesting to figure out at which point in their stories each of them had actually died.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and it has made me want to read even more Warhammer horror in the future. The only reason it looses a star is the slow start with Valemar's story, which I struggled to get into. The rest of the book was a five star read.