A review by dilchh
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab


I can’t believe I almost gave up reading this book! I really can’t! The book started off really slow, and I almost gave up, even though I was still curious about the four Londons and whatnot. But then the story picked up itself and I really couldn’t put the book down (well, it also helps that I’ve been in a seminar for the past two weeks and basically all I’ve been doing was just low-key reading books). For a first installment in a series, this book really is way too interesting. Halfway through and I kept on guessing what’s going to happen next, what’s the whole story arch, whatever going to happened to Kell, Lila and Rhy, will they ever be on an adventure together? Oh gosh, I’m dying with questions here!!!

Okay, excitement aside, I have a question for the author, HOW COULD YOU?? How could you give us really detailed backstory of a character and then just kill them? How could you? Why would you do that? I have lost count (obviously I am exaggerating here) at how many were killed in just the first book! I dread the day I read the second and third book, I don’t know how I will cope with so many heartbreaks. I weel for Parish (okay, on hindsight I should have put a possibly a spoiler alert on top, sorry).

I can’t believe how this book could give me a heartbreak (more than once, actually) but still gripping at the same time.