A review by quietjenn
The Big Rewind by Libby Cudmore


Although this occasionally skirts a little too close to the edge of twee and precocious, I mostly really liked this. Which has been called a "hipster cozy" someplace or other (Bookriot? One of the review journals?) It's an apt summation. Sort of like if Rob from High Fidelity had a baby with Weetzie Bat, babysat by Veronica Mars, who moved to Brooklyn and stumbled on a murder that she decided to solve. Some of the relationship stuff got a little tedious and there were details and plot points that seemed all about color and didn't really add to the story, except maybe to amp up the drama and/or quirk unnecessarily, and once the culprit was introduced, it was easy to figure it out that they did it. But I had a blast reading it and if I were a wee bit younger, with the higher tolerance for hipsters that I had back then, I probably would've liked it even more.